Chapter 22

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They're on tour! Finally! That week off seemed so very long! Enjoy the shenanigans! 


Harry's P.O.V

First show of the tour, everyone's pumped. Shannon and Louis have been running around the dressing room for the past hour, how are they not tired yet? "Calm down, Lou" "NEVER!" Well, it was worth a shot. "You're on in five" We still haven't decided on how to enter, but for some reason, I think that Louis has something in mind. We all walked over to the side of the stage to get our microphones and ear pieces set up, the screams were already deafening. "When you're ready" Before I knew it, Louis and Zayn were already running on the stage, I looked over at Niall and he quickly joined them, where as Liam and I casually walked on the stage. We soon got into our places for the first song and Louis was still as hyper as ever.

Shannon's P.O.V

Bored. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to go to a One Direction concert, but somehow I imagined myself in the crowd, not at the side of the stage with the stylists. I looked over at Harry until he looked at me, I nodded my head and he soon returned the gesture, not knowing what I was about to do. I quickly dropped to the floor, shocking everyone around me, and I rolled onto the main stage. The boys soon noticed and tried not to laugh as they were singing their parts, I jumped up and started crazily dancing around. Security soon rushed on the stage as I ran over to Harry "No it's okay, she's our back up dancer" He quickly said, before they got to me. After the song had ended, I did an over exaggerated bow before exiting the stage, the boys carried on with the show and eventually, they moved on to the final song of the night, What makes you beautiful.

Harry's P.O.V

Final song of the night, time for my solo. I don't even want to imagine what the boys have prepared for this, everyone is in place apart from Louis, now I mention it, he isn't even on the stage, but the show must continue!

Shannon's P.O.V

Why is Louis running towards me with a mischievous look on his face? Okay, I'm being forcefully picked up, what is happening? Is there some kind of punishment for running on stage and dancing? Have they finally found out my secret obsession of them? What if they have my box! Wait, that's still at my flat, you know due to the fact that I am going to be with them the entire time, I don't really need their doll forms. We're back on the stage? For Harry's solo? I would usually consult Louis and demand to be told what is going on, but you know, he wouldn't hear me, due to the loud screams. Really Louis, really? You're just going to plonk me on this sofa and act like nothing happened? Well, as long as I'm here,I might as well make myself comfortable, damn this sofa is comfy. I can see why the boys like it so much, if there weren't thousands of pairs of eyes staring at me right now, I'd probably wheel it back to my flat, that'd be pretty hard though. I need a miniaturisation ray, that would definitely work. Harry turned around, finally he notices me and sits down next to me. Be jealous fan girls, be jealous. "And finally, we have a special announcement" Louis said in a very strange voice "As you all most likely know dear Harry and little Shannon here have been growing very close recently" Hold up, dear Harry and little Shannon, oh Tommo, I'll get you for this. "Harry would you?" Would he what? "I would. Shannon and I are now dating" Well, that was unexpected, thanks for the warning guys, I'll get you all back for this, just you wait, that kind of sounded creepy, no regrets!

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