Chapter 30

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Last chapter! Then the epilogue, crying, like actual tears. I don't know if there will be a sequel, I'm going on holiday in 5 days, so if there is, it will most likely be after that. I love you guys for reading, and Shannon for being 'The main girl', if you will! Enjoy!!:) If you wish to contact me, my Twitter is @09wilsc, same for Tumblr (If that's your social networking preference) I feel like I've had a child and it's grown up and left, that's normal, right?


Harry's P.O.V

The boys and I left Shan and Sharna alone, for some 'Female bonding time', that's what girls do, right? We pretended that we had stuff to do, I shot a quick text to Shannon saying we might be a while. When in reality it's because we're waiting in the tour bus for Paul to come back with some food, classy I know. My phone bleeped, indicating that I have a new message, it was from Shan 'Hurry up, Sharna isn't the nicest person' I was slightly confused, Sharna had been nice to us, surely Shannon is just being paranoid or something? "Everything alright, Haz?" Louis asked, plonking himself on the sofa next to me, I passed my phone over to him, as it was still open on Shannon's message. He pretty much had the same reaction as me "It's probably nothing" He finally said, I nodded my head. Right on cue, Paul walked through the door, time for a feast!

Shannon's P.O.V

Why hasn't Harry texted back? Knowing my luck he's probably at the smoothie cart, without me, becoming addicted. Damn I want a smoothie. "I bet Harry's dating you for a dare or something?" Oh yeah, I forgot, there's a bitch in the room, and I don't mean a female dog, or myself, it'd be pretty strange if I called myself a bitch. "Jealous, are we?" I couldn't help but chuckle, "No, I can't stand him, you know who I want" "Good luck with that" How do the boys even like her? How is there always a villian sent to break the peace? I looked up, she was right in front of me "I think Niall would have enough common sense to not date you" Someone looks mad, Shan is victorious. Yeah, that's right, I am the queen of victory, I need to be knighted. I can imagine the headlines 'Shannon, the victor of victory' That had a ring to it. Wait, why am I on the floor, my jaw hurts. Oh no she didn't, Sharna just punched me in the face, well, it wasn't that hard, she will never be the victor of victory. I stood up quickly "You suck at punching" "At least I'm not dating a curly haired tone deaf-" I swung my fist but I ended up hitting thin air, something was dragging me back. "Let me at her!" I yelled, trying to fight the tightening grip. "Shan, calm down" Harry. Why couldn't he of waited five seconds? At least let me have the last punch. "No! I need to be the victor of victory!" He started laughing, which caused his grip to loosen, I took my chance and escaped his grasp. In a matter of a second, my fist came into contact with her face. "Yeah, that's what you get for insulting my boyfriend" I stood and folded my arms, that's right, I am the victor of victory, still waiting to be knighted here. Sharna has finally gone, Liam was 'apauled' by my behavior, but as soon as he showed Sharna out the door, all the other boys high-fived me, yeah that's right, I know how to throw a mean punch, she better put some ice on that. Wait, why am I even attempting to help her, well, technically I didn't, I said it in my head. "Sorry for not believing you" Harry said, I turned around, Harry looked quite sorry for himself, I couldn't help it, I laughed.

Harry's P.O.V

Louis is knighting Shannon, don't ask why, well, I guess it's because he asked her how we could possibly repay her for leaving her alone with a psychopath, his words not mine, and she wanted to be known as the victor of victory. Sometimes I wonder how her mind works. Unfortunately, we don't have a sword, so we're using the remote for the TV. "I now pronounce you the victor of victory" Louis said, signalling for her to rise, she curtsied and waved. We all broke into spontaneous clapping. I walked over to her and took her hands in mine, she looked into my eyes "I'm really glad I got locked in that shop with you" Me too Shannon, me too, I should probably voice that thought, but right now, I can't stop smiling.

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