Chapter Twenty

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"Party at my house tonight xxx<3"

Geez Calum, I'm not into a party. Want to know why? I don't like socializing. I can't hang around Calum's neck all night, but maybe when I bring Lizzy with me, it won't be that boring.






"Wwwooaahww, wait there, we're going to party with your Asian boyfriend, WITH his cute band mates, or WITHOUT?"

"Probably with, why?"

"Ok, I'll come with you"

"Aight cool, and he's not an Asian"

"Sure, is it ok if I bring Lizz?" I text Calum.

"Sure, I bet Luke won't mind ;)"

"Haha, ok, see you tonightxx"

So me and Lizzy are friends again. It feels so much better. We share a flat and we both forgot about what happened. We both know what happened, and I think about it a lot, but we just don't talk about it. It's just better that way. I don't like to go back to that moment. I have Calum, Harry's history for me.



"You still hang with El, Pez and Dani?" Lizzy asks me.

"Only Perrie, I've lived with her and Zayn for a while"

"You're serious? I didn't know, for how long"

"7 weeks or so? But did you broke contact with the others?"


It breaks my heart, because I liked them all and saw them as good friends and when 'it' happened, everything I had was just... Gone. The girls, the guys, a place to stay, Harry, Jade... It sucked being alone. I really needed someone, Josh was my only option, but staying there didn't really work out. Why? I don't know. But I'm perfectly fine without them. I now have Jade and that's the only thing I need. At the end, everyone only cost me pain, and Jade's the only one who really apologized. It shows how much everyone really cared. NOT. Jade's the only one, the only one who cared about me when no one did.

"So how is you mum?" I ask.

"I have no idea, I know she is, or was sick, but that's it. And about your dad?"

"He passed away, and ever since my mum is brainwashed"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry"

"It's ok, is happened a long time ago"



What should I wear? A dress? I don't even have a dress. Then it'll be just jeans and some random top, Calum wouldn't care, and if he does, I'll shoot him. No I won't, because he's cute, and sweet. What did you just ask? If I love him? I don't know. We've been dating for 3 weeks, and it has been 3 good weeks, but that's also kind of because Liz, so...

"Chicka, what are you wearing for tonight?" Liz asks me walking into my room.

"Just some jeans and a random top, why?"

"Shall I wear a dress?"

"If you want"

"Dude, you have to say 'yes' of 'no' not 'if you want' how can we save the world with something like that?"

"'Dude', you're old enough to make your own decisions"

"True, it's a dress, and I'm going to ask Luke's number tonight"

"Liz, I love you, but he has a girlfriend"


"You know how devastated she would be if you would kind of date him"

"Geez, it's just a little phone number"

"Whatever, do what you want"

"I'll do"

"Good, now get dressed because we're leaving in half an hour"

"RELLY OH MY GOD I NEED TO HURRY, BYE LOVE YOU" she says running away.

Aight, she's weird. But that's why I like her.


"HI BABE" Calum says while he opens the door.

"Hi" I say before I kiss him on the cheek and walk in.

"So, there is food, and there are some drinks, and there's music, the boys are somewhere, and I am here"

"Cal, how much beer did you drink?" I ask while Lizzy goes to find Luke and lick his face.

"I don't know, maybe like 10, maybe 15"

"Babe, I hate it when you're drunk"

"But I love you, so who cares"


"Sorry, I love you"

"I'm going to get something to drink" I say walking away awkwardly.

Well that was awkward. I'm not going to lie to him, he's my boyfriend. But I can't tell him that I love him, because... I don't really know, but just because.


She's so mean but I kind love it and I just can't let her go.

I'm so whipped, oh, a tiny little, sexy animal.

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and the got my by the throat

She's so mean but I kinda love it, and I just can't let her go.

Lalalalalalalalala, just can't let her go

Lalalalalalalalala, just can't let her go

Brakes a billion hearts I know I'm next in line

but I don't mind yeah ohohohoh

I want her everybody wants her

she knows it, eh, eh, eh

I want her but I'd better run away

She's so mean but I kind love it and I just can't let her go.

I'm so whipped, oh, a tiny little, tempting animal.

Spends too much and I never tell her no

Drives me nuts and the got my by the throat

She's so mean but I kinda love it, and I just can't let her go.

So, now you all know the lyrics of Just Can't Let Her Go, go do something with it.

Sooooo the city turned into Hispstatown, everywhere you go, you're surrounded my hipsters. Hipsters everywhere. Oh well I don't really mind, but they're everywhere.

Meeh I don't want to go on that camp, the only good thing is that there's a climbing wall, so I can show my skills, but I bet the routes on that wall (if they even have routes) are really easy.

Meeh only 5 chapters left, I AM SO SAD MEEEH. Zayn, will you please come to my house and comfort me. OH MY GOSH, who saw Zayn's new tattoos, mee he's so skinny, but really cute, but skinny. Haha imagine Zayn as pirate haha, that's just weird, a pirates that's afraid of water, hahaha. Sorry Zayn, love you (:

Sooo enough Zayn talk, the next update will be next Sunday. Don't die while I'm gone!


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