Chapter Thirteen

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Why is Harry doing this to me? He has been there for almost half an hour. I am not going to open the door for him, because it isn't locked, but Harry doesn't know.



"The door isn't locked"

"Is this a 'you can come in' sign?"


Harry opens the door and walks into my room while he looks really cute.

"So tell me what's up" he says while he walks towards my bed and sits down.

"My dad..."

"Oh fuck, I forgot, ow my gosh, I am so stupid" he says hitting his forehead.

"Harry it's ok, I am fine now, and I am sorry about how I reacted"

"Babe, no I am sorry, I am so stupid"

"No, you're not"

"How about me making it up with some food?"

"Great idea" I say giving Harry a little kiss.


Harry made a really delicious salad for lunch. When we're finished we talk a bit about my dad. I feel really comfortable with Harry, and I feel like I can tell him anything, like we’ve been friends all our lives. I don't want Lizzy to come back, because it means that this is over, that Harry and I are over. I don't want to think about it. I feel horrible about this Harry think behind Lizzy's back, but I can't help it. I felt for him and there is nothing I can do about it.



You must be a horrible person if you would cheat on your girlfriend with her best friend. That just doesn’t feel right, right? I mean, I would feel horrible. At the first place, I would never ever fall for one of Lizzy’s boyfriend because it would be her boyfriend, and at second, I would never be trade my best friend like that.

"Stupid Damian, I hate him" Lizzy says while she tears apart a picture of her and her ex-boyfriend.

"I can't believe he was cheating with Amilia, you two are friends"

"Jade, promise me that you won't steal my boyfriend, please?"

"I promise that I will never ever date your boyfriend behind your back"

"Thanks, you're my best friend forever, no matter what happens" Lizzy says hugging me.

*End of flashback*


"Want to watch a movie?" Harry asks me.

"Sure" I say. While Harry chooses a movie I make some popcorn and lighten the candles. I sit down next to Harry and he puts his arm around me while he starts the movie. 


I can't. I just can't do this any longer. I can't be trade Lizzy like that. This has to stop. Harry and I just can't continue this. I really like Harry, and I know he also likes me, but I just can’t...


"Yes beautiful?"

"I can't so this..."


"This... Us..."

"Why not"

"Because Lizzy is my best friend"

"But we're done when she's back, right?"

"Yeah, but I can't..." I get up and run to my room.



"But we're done when she's back, right?"

"Yeah, but I can't..." Jade gets up and runs to her room. What the fuck? What just happened? We were perfectly fine and then out of the blue she starts about this Lizzy thing. You think I don't feel bad for doing this? I like Lizzy but I also like Jade, and the fact that I have to choose and loose the other one for the rest of my life is killing me. I can't lose Jade, but I also can't Lizzy. I know me and Lizzy aren't doing perfect, but still... I just can't choose between them.


Jade has been in her room for more than an hour and I'm starting to get worried. Should I go to her, should I like... Help her? Or talk to her? Argh, why is this so hard?

I decide to get up and talk to her. Actually, I hate this talking stuff, why can't things just work out themselves? Why do you always have to talk?

I knock on her door but don't get an answer.

"Jade?" I say while I knock again.

"Babe?" I open her door, to see her on lie on her bed.

"Jadie?" I say while I sit down next to her.

"Go away Harry"


"Go the fuck away, Harry, I don't need you. I'm going back home" Jade gets up and grabs her suitcase.

"Don't go, Jade, we can solve this, please don' go"

"No Harry, this has to stop. You aren't doing anything about this, that's why I'm leaving"

"No, that's ridiculous, don't leave"

"Harry, we're done here"

"Jade, you are not leaving"


"Jade" I say grabbing her hand.

"Let me go"

"I am not letting you go"


"Jade, I like you I really do, and I can't just let you go like that" I say pulling her closer to me.

"Stop" she say while a tear leaves her eye.

"I love you"


"I really do, I love you Jade" I say before I kiss her.

"WHAT...?" We hear someone say


So I wrote a hole story about some songs that were on last night and how I had to much Zayn feels and that Niall is an uncle and that there was a cat who wanted to be mayor and got 50% of all the votes, but wattpad hates me and didn't want to save it so my story went to the unicorn-universum and is never coming back :(

well I hope you liked this chapter :)


Falling For You - h.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang