Chapter Two

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Serious Lizzy won't shut up about how cool and lovely it is that I'm here. I mean I love her, but she talks a lot. But it's ok. I'm not paying any attention because I'M IN LONDON WOOHH.

"So, here we are" Lizzy says while we get out of the car. The car is parked in front of a huge white house. Gosh, this is beautiful. And not only this house, but every single house in the street is like this. Huge, white, red roof, rich people. I will NEVER life in one of these houses. Accept for the upcoming two months. New me, here I come.

"Ello? You're helping me?" Lizz asks, while she gets my luggage out of the car.

"Sorry, coming"

We walk into the big house. The first thing I see are two stairs, that come together at the top. There is a really cool chandelier hanging on the ceiling "Let's go to your room" Lizzy says. Together we walk through the big house. Even the doors are beautiful. If this is 'just a regular house' in Lizzy's eyes, I wonder what a big house would be. Lizzy opens the door to my room and we walk in.

Gosh, this... is... beautiful. There's a king-sized bed, my own bathroom, a desk with a really cool chair, a couch, and a really nice view.

"I'll be downstairs. Feel free to explore the house" Lizzy says leaving me alone in my room.


"So where is your new big love?" I ask while Lizzy is making some tea.

"He's in the studio with the rest of the guys"

"So he's being all famous and stuff"



We walk into the living room. Lizzy brings some tea cups and some chocolate chip cookies. She knows that I can't resist those cookies. She's evil. We sit down on the couch, enjoying our tea and cookies, talking about our lives.

"Remember when we used to dream this sort of things?" I ask.

"Is weird that this is the real life now"



"And you Lizzy, what would you like to do when you're done with school" the teacher asks.

"Ok, everyone get ready" Lizzy starts walking to the front of the class.

"So me and Jade are going to England. Yes, England. We're going to live in a huge house, have famous friends, be famous. I'm going to be an actress and my beautiful friend is going to be a writer. We will be rich, and our lifes would be really busy, but really cool. And we're going to be best friends for ever" Lizzys act makes the whole class go silent. This usually never happens. So, it's pretty amazing.

"Do you agree with this fantasy, miss Carter?" The teacher asks.

I nod, looking at my best friend who's standing there with a big smile.




"HEY BABE, I'M HOOMMMEE" I yell while a close the door and put my keys away.

"Hi hun, Jade is here, you should meet her" Lizzy says smiling.

"Cool, where is she?"

"In the living room, there are some tea an cookies, have fun with it" Lizzy says.

"Aight" I say while I walk to the living room, I throw my back in one of the chairs and grab a cup of tea.

"So, you're Jade?" I ask the girl with the beautiful brown hair who sitting on the couch. She nods.

"I'm Harry"

"Hi" she says while shaking my hand.

“So, you’re Lizzy’s bestie?”

She nods.

“Cool, well it’s nice to meet you”

“You too”


So doesn any1 like this? I know the beginning is a bit boring, but it will be all drama-ish.

OH WELL, I'm going to update this pindakaas on sunday so you have something to enjoy on saturday, sunday, and tuesday :)


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