Chapter Nineteen

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Soooo, 7 weeks without them. It feels good. I moved out of Perrie's and Zayn's place and have now my own flat in the middle of London. It's not huge but it has everything I need. I still feel horrible about what have happened and I haven't seen Lizzy or Harry ever since. I miss Liz, but it's just better this way. About my mum and Nicole? My mum apparently got sick, my weird aunt told me that when I saw her at the supermarket. I first was a bit shocked but now I don't really care anymore. I know it sounds really weird, but she broke contact because I went on a vacation. I end up living here and she end up being really sick, but without me.


Starbucks, I just love it. Why? Just because the hot chocolate is fucking delicious, and it’s not just the hot chocolate. There is this guy, I sort of like, but not like ‘I-am-in-love’ like, but just ‘you-are-hot’ like, so yeah, he’s kind of the reason why I stop by so many times.

“Hi, good to see you again” the guy says.

“Hii, yeah, I like to support the economics”

“Haha, so I guess it’s just a hot chocolate?”

“Yes please, and a chocolate muffin”

“It’ll be right there” he says smiling all cute and stuff when I hear the door open. Because my ass is way to curious I look and see a familiar face look up. Our eyes lock and I smile.

“Jade… Jade, your hot chocolate and the muffin” the guy says making me break the eyes contact.

“Thank you” I still look at the familiar face while I grab my hot chocolate and the muffin and pay.

I sit down and stare at my cup. We really need to talk, I mean, I can’t just sit here and do nothing. We can’t have such a crappy end.

Wow, wait, what’s that? There is little note stuck on my cup. I take the note off the cup and open it.

“Hiii, you’re looking stunning today.

I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?

Because I really like you, if you haven’t noticed =)

Wellll… just give me a call


Can we all just take a moment and enjoy his cuteness? I feel my cheeks go read while I grab my phone and send him a text.

"Hii, I'd love to go on a date with uu :)"


I hit the send button and within a second I hear someone scream and get a text back.


"Great! So shall we meet here at 8 o'clock?"



"Sounds great!"

I know I don't like him in a relationship way, but a date is ok, right? And look at him, he's cute, so I'm totally fine with a date.


"Jade, is this seat taken?"

I look up, right in Lizzy's light blue eyes.

"No, please, sit down"

She places her cup on the table and sits down.

"So how are you?" She asks.

"I'm ok, just easygoing. You?"

"I'm fine, but..."

She looks down and sights.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I ... I just... miss you"


"I know this sounds really stupid, but I want you back, because I really miss you"

"I miss you too, but I don't know if... With Harry..."

"No, we didn’t work anyway, I broke up with him"

"You did?"


"I'm sorry"

"I accept your sorry if you'd be my friend again?"

After 7 weeks. I don't know. I'm fine without her. I kind of started a new life, where I had no past.

"Listen, I get it if you don't want..."

"No, Lizzy, there is no way I can let you just walk out of my life"

But still, when I look at her, I think about Harry, and if there's one thing I DON'T want to think about... It's Harry.

Lizzy stands up and hugs me.

"I missed you" she whispers into my ear.

"I missed you too" I whisper while I look at Calum. I wave, making his cheeks go red.

Oh god, this guy really likes me. He's cute but I'm not really into 'Asians' sorry, but they are just not hot at all. But who knows, maybe Calum is different?


Helloooooh, how are you? I’m good, thanks for asking!

Oh well, here’s the new chapter, hope you liked it. Yes, the Calum guy is the sexy Calum Hood, for 5SOS. Well I personally don’t think he’s hot or whatever, I’m more into Ashton/Luke/Zayn... Well actually just Zayn (:

PEOPLE CHECK OUT ‘The Color Of Hope’ BY @redbunnylips she’s probably going to post the first chapter soon, I hope.

WHO’S COMING TO THE PREMIER OF THIS IS US IN ROYAL HEERLEN? Well me and My sexy friend @curlycurlss are going, and I AM SO EXITED WOOHH

Oh and if you’re bored you should read ‘The Typical Fan-Fic Moments’ it’s so funny and so true. I swear it makes your day!

I have those amazayn ideas for fanfics, but I just can’t make anything good of it. I don’t think Stay With Me is going to work, so I’m making a new Niall one. But don’t be all excited because there is a change this isn’t going to work…

WEEEHH PINKPOP IS IN THE NEW VIDEO OF 30SEC2MARS. And that sport of means me and my friends are in the video, we’re so cool.

Well I’m just going to listen to Counting Stars by One Republic for the rest of the day.  

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