Chapter Seventeen

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"So what's your plan?" Perrie asks me.

"I have literally no idea"

"You can stay with us as long as you want"

"No, I don't want to bother you. I think I am going to search for some work, and then fly back to home, or stay here, or maybe travel across the world"

"If you're going to travel, where would you go?"

"I don't know, Australia, China, maybe go backpacking trough Europe"

"Australia is really beautiful. I only visited the south, but still..."

"Really? That's so cool"

We talk a bit more about traveling while we drink our coffee at Starbucks. I've had a lot of fun with Perrie, she's really sweet. I still have to find a solution for the Lizzy thing, maybe I could go and talk to her. I think it's better if I’d wait with that, because I think she would kill me right now. And Harry... We need to talk too, but I can't even look at a picture of him. Otherwise, I wanted adventure here in London, got one…



So Zayn thinks I am stupid. But I have the feeling he is hiding something from me. I don't know what, but I'll find out soon.

"You are so stupid"

"Zayn, can you please stop saying that. I know after a hundred times telling me"

"Sorry Harry, but what you've done is not ok. You cheated on Lizzy with her best friend. It's also not ok that she dated you. But you still cheated"

"Zayn, stop"

"No, Harry, don't sit here and act all innocent, you are the beginning of this problem. Get your ass up and do something about it"

"Zayn I can't, Lizzy doesn't want to see me, and Jade wrote that she wants to beak all the contact so we'll probably never see each other again"

"I’d love to help you, but this is your problem, not mine."

"Why are you such a crappy friend?"

"Sorry, what do you want me to do. You don't even know what you want, how am I supposed to help you then?"

"Jesus, what's wrong with everyone?" I say getting up, grabbing my coat and walking out of Zayn's flat.

You don't have to tell me how I screwed up, I know I did. But Jade joined me, so it's also her fault. But why do I care. I'm Harry fucking Styles. I can get anything or anyone I want. I don't need Jade, or Lizzy. I could kick Lizzy out, because I pay for the rent of the house, so it's mine. She has to move, not me. Jade, she can go to hell, I don't need her, or want her. No, that's a lie. I want her, but I also want Lizzy... But I want Jade more. Why can't I just... I don't know.



Why? Wasn't I good enough? What did I do wrong? I know we weren't doing great, but that's not a sign to secretly date my best friend. Now she's gone I have no one. Nothing. Only this stupid job at Abercrombie. I hate it there. I only applied because I lost a bet with someone. Maybe I should just quit and go study English. I've always wanted that.

I hear my phone. It's Josh.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey sis, how are you"

"Terrible, but when are you coming home?"

"Today, what happened?"

"I'll tell you another time"

"Ok. Do the guys know that we're family?"

"Not that I know"

"Maybe we should tell them, I like to be your big brother"

"Ha, thank you"

"You want to come to my place tonight?"

"Sure, just give me a call when you arrive"

"Ok, see you"

"Bye sis"

I hear the front door close when I hang up.

"Hello?" I say. I see a silhouette coming closer. It doesn't take long until I see Harry standing in the doorpost.

"Get out" he says, running his hand through his hair.

"Harry, can’t we walk?"

"No, get your stuff and leave"

"Harry, please?"

"No, I don't think we were going to work anyway"

"I forgive you, ok? Can we at least try again?"

What am I doing? I hate him. I don't want him back. That's a lie. I want him. But we were a miserable couple. I wonder why we got along so well.

"Ok, cool that you forgive me. No we can't try again, so please get out, or should I help you?"

"Harry..." I feel tear roll down my face.

"You have an hour.  Don't take any of my stuff, because you'll get in problems for that. I don't even want to tell you what would happen if you aren't gone. Times starts now" Harry walk away, slamming the door.

Before I know it I am crying on the cold hard ground. Why is he doing this to me? Why can't I just have a normal life? Why do I have to get all the drama? Why do Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie have to be so lucky with their One Direction lads, and do I have to get the weird, crazy, fucked up one? I don't want him anymore. He can go to hell.

I get up and start packing all my stuff. I ask Josh If I can crash at his place so I at least have somewhere to go. After an hour I close the front door and get in my car.


 haha could hard ground... sorry that was just really not ok.

aah my cat wants my attention, but it's really annoying bc her nails are really sharp and she thinks it's a good idea to put them into my arm... IT'S NOT AKIKO, IT'S NOT A GREAT IDEA TO DO THAT, love you cutie :)

and now she’s being sweet on the other side of my bed… pfft.

WOOOAAWWW WAAIIIITTT there are 8 chapters left + an epilogue! Omg I really can’t count, well I’m blonde so I have an excuse.


Omg I use omg way to many times, like omg!

Buttttt, this girl is going to eat/annoy my sexy cats/write/cry bc of Zayn’s pretty face/roll over the gound bc yolo swek/I don’t know what I’m going to do but it’ll probably be something really boring and stupid BYYEE

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