"Aww me missed you too lil demon."

"Stop calling her that." I rolled my eyes and got some fruit punch out the fridge.

"I can call my seed whatever I want. Ain't that right?" He looked at her.

She shook her head yes.

"You leaving today?" He asked her.

"Yes. And me sad." She pouted.

"Don't be sad. I'll be there next week."

"Yay!!!" She clapped. "And we can watch Clifford?"


"Yay!!!!" She clapped again.

Miri laughed at her excitement. I sat on a stool at the counter.

"Auggie can I talk to you about something?" Miri asked me.

"I ain't got time for no stupid ish Miri."

"Nah it's serious."

"What?" I looked at him skeptical.

"It's some broad ish."

We were using ish to not curse in front of Na.

He sat on a stool in front of me and sat Na on the counter.

I handed Na a muffin and some juice to tie her over before I got real food.

"What? And if it's stupid--"

"Na it's serious."

"What?" I looked at him skeptical, chewing on a piece of muffin.

"What you think about dating older women?"

"That ain't my thing. Not at all." I shook my head profusely. I had nothing but horror stories about them.


"The ones I dated they were needy, controlling, possessive. Just all around no. Why? You talking about that chick at the complex?"

"Nah. Another one."

"Miri focus on school. Most of them want commitment and you too young for that."

"Says the man with a ready made family like some damn ramen noodles at almost 22."

"My situation is different. And on top of that, I did date around. For somebody that didn't want to be tied down, you sure focusing on one person."

"I don't know. I just really like her. And she bad. Like bro, bad."

"Who is this woman?"

"Morgan." He smiled.

I bursted into laughter.

"What's funny?" He asked offended.

"You. Amiri you not even on Morgan level."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"She will chew your lil behind up and spit you out."

"That's what you think. I'm man enough to handle her. And my D game strong too."

I rolled my eyes. This dude was crazy. Morgan's boyfriend was a gang leader out in Cali where she's from.

The closes Miri been to a gang was seeing them on tv and the closes he been to drugs was a prescription from the doc.

"Miri, focus on school. It's gon be hella girls at Howard. All types. Find you a senior there if that's what you want."

"I know what I want. And she feeling me too."

I bursted into even more laughter.

"Look. She liked my pic." He showed me his phone.

"That was probably on accident."

"No it wasn't. And we was dm'ing."

"About what?" I gave him the stale face.

"What you mean about what? About me being her nigga."

I cracked up. "Hilarious. Na you want more juice?"


I got up to get her more juice.

"All you niggas is wack. You and Crystal. I can pull a Morgan."

"Miri you're 17."

"I'll be 18 in three weeks."

"Don't remind me that I share the same bday as you." I rolled my eyes getting her juice. He has been like a parasite my entire life. Just always around. I couldn't even get a separate bday.

"I been there Miri. The thrill of chasing older chicks. The bragging rights you get. I get it. But find someone else."

"Imma show y'all. Watch."

"Did you know she went to jail?" I gave Na her juice.

He looked shocked. "Nah for what?"

"Gun possession. 4 years."

"Damn Fareal?"

"Yes. And her and her boyfriend now are bloods. You don't know nothing about that type of life. Leave her alone."

"She said she done with him tho."

"Are you really that naive? Couples break up all the time and get right back together. She not done with him. She been messing with him for too long."

"You can't say that until you see."

"Aight lets say she give you a chance. She gon use you as a rebound to get his attention. You gon get his attention. They both gon continue to play you, if he don't kill you first. Cause I heard he was crazy as hell. And you gon be left heartbroken."

"You don't know that."

"Aight. Learn the hard way." I shrugged.

I could see this train wreck coming from a mile away. And I guarantee you if she gave him a chance, Miri would end up the one hurt. But hey, gotta learn somehow.

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