"Thank you Tobias," they both say.

"You are so welcome," I say. I sit down with my cereal and coffee. When we are almost done eating, Julia, Simon and Paige's mom, comes into the kitchen from out side.

"Oh. Morning kids. Good morning Tobias," she says.

"Good Morning to you too Julia," I say.

"Who made the kids breakfast?" she asks.

"I did," I answer and finish my cereal.

"Oh. You didn't have to do that," she says.

"It's fine. I wanted to," I reply and put the dishes in the sink.

"Well. Paige. Simon. You need to get your clothes on," Julia says.

"Oh. I can help them," I reply.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yeah. I would love to," I say and throw Paige and Simon over my shoulders.

"Come on you little monsters," I say and carry them to the room that they share.

"Tobias. Can you help me pick out an outfit?" Paige asks.

"Of course." I start looking through her clothes.

"How about one of these," I say and hold up two outfits.

"I like this one," she replies, pointing to a purple dress with black leggings.

"Ok. Go put it on," I say, and she runs into the bathroom with the outfit. I help Simon in his outfit, and Paige comes back out.

"Can you do my hair Tobias?" she asks.

"Of course," I say and put her on my lap. I start braiding her hair and look up to find Simon buckling his shoes. I smile at them. I can't wait to be a father one day. I love little kids. I finish the braid and lead them to the kitchen.

"I think Tobias will be a great father when he is older," Julia is saying as we walk into the kitchen.

"Well. Thank you Julia," I reply. The whole family, which is now sitting in the kitchen, looks up at me. Paige runs to her mom.

"Mommy! Look at my braid. Tobias did it," she says.

"Did he?!" Julia says.

"Yep," Paige replies. And just then Justin walks in the door with some bags.

"Ok. I got everything you told me to," he says. "The biggest white blanket, the brightest red roses, lanterns, regular Christmas lights, and the biggest wooden picnic basket."

"Thank you," I say and take the stuff.

"What's all that for?" Dad asks.

"Um. It's for the surprise date I've planned for my girlfriend, Tris. I'm setting up a picnic under a tunnel of trees in Amity Park back home. I'm going to hang the lanterns and lights in the trees, and I'm going to spread the rose petals on the ground. And. Umm. I'm going to tell her that I love her," I explain to them.

"Aww!" They all say.

"I wish my boyfriend would do something like that for me," Riley, Paige and Simon's 17 year old sister, says.

I can't wait to see Tris.

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After we left my relatives' house and got home, I went to the store and bought the food for the picnic. I then went to Amity Park and set up everything under the tunnel of trees. Now, I'm on my way to Tris's house. I get there and walk to the door. I ring the doorbell, and it opens to reveal my perfect beautiful Tris. The person that I have missed so much. A smile spreads across her face, and I smile too.

Divergent High: Starting OverWhere stories live. Discover now