'I should have picked her up that night and taken her to dinner. I shouldn't have let her drive herself.' I thought to myself.

"When can we see her?" Louis asked.

"She will be out of recovery in an hour. Once she is in her room a nurse will come get you and you may all see her." He smiled weakly at us.

"Thank you for helping my sister." Louis said as he stood up and shook the doctors hand.

"Not a problem. I'm glad I was able to help her." He said as he shook Louis' hand. After their exchange the Dr left the room telling us we can stay in here and wait.

"Is it wrong that I'm afraid to see her?" Niall asked nervously.

"I don't know, but I'm scares as well." I said as I sat on the floor with my back against the wall.

"It's normal. You know she is really hurt and you don't know what she looks like, so it's normal." Jay smiled weakly at us.

"Well at least she doesn't have any memory loss. I don't think any of us could handle her not knowing who we are." Liam said.

"I didn't even give that a thought." Eleanor said.

"Me neither." I said. I was too worried about her staying alive I didn't think about brain damage from all the punches and slaps that she received to the head in the last two weeks.

"I just want to take her home and never let her out of my sight again." Louis said. We all chuckled at him, but knew we were all thinking the same thing.

It’s been an hour and a half, and we were only now getting to go see Anna. Apparently her blood pressure went a tad bit to low, so they wanted to get it back to normal before moving her to a normal room.

“I hope she is happy to see us.” Niall said as we walked to Anna’s room.

“I think she will be happy to see us, she just might not show it the way we want her too.” Perrie said. We all nodded as we approached her room. We all paused before opening the door.

“If you can’t handle the way she looks just make a valid excuse to leave the room. We don’t want her to get upset.” Jay said as we nodded in reply. She opened the door to Anna’s room and we all took in a sharp breath at the sight of Anna…..

Anna’s POV

I was laying in the hospital bed drugged up on morphine and some other drugs I don’t remember the name too. I had so many wires attached to me, and a few IV’s as well. I just kept my one eye closed and listened to the annoying beeping that is my heart monitor. The nurses just left my room, but they raised my bed just enough so I was sitting up slightly. The one nurse said my family and friends are coming in soon. I was nervous, but excited to see them. I might not know exactly what I look like right now, but I can only imagine I look horrible. The nurses told me that they haven’t left since they got to the hospital, which was apparently around the same time I did. I don’t really remember much after I got into the ambulance. The nurse did list all my injuries to me and told me about the surgery though. I honestly thought I would have had a lot more serious injuries with how badly I was beaten.

My let eye darted open as much as it would when I heard multiple in takes of breaths. I looked over to my left (with her eye, since she is wearing a neck brace she can’t move her neck to look) and saw One Direction, Mum, Anne, and Gemma all standing in the door way of my hospital looking like they saw a ghost. Louis was the first one to walk closer to me. He hesitantly reached for my hand before gently grabbing it. I looked up with him and saw he was crying. I closed my eye and tried to hold back my emotions.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now