Chapter 10 - Sass overload.

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**A/N: I wrote this when I was 13/14 and do make reference to topics relating to mental health. I was young and did not have a full understanding of the reality of some of the issues I do mention. Obviously, it is not always depicted in a realistic manner and is not necessarily true reflection of these issues. If you are struggling please reach out:)

Trigger warning: fainting, discussion of MH issues **


>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly always makes me laugh! But I don't want to get into trouble again. But Lilly said it was okay. But... But... It was all becoming too much. I stood up to walk to my room as my vision went blurry. I kept going. Tears began to well up in my eyes, my vision was getting more blurry. Black walls started to cave in. Then nothing.


 >Lilly's P.O.V< 

Ellie stormed off from the table. I thought that she needed time so I let her go. Then I heard a huge bang. Damn it. I sprinted to her room as fast as I could. There she was on the ground. I knew that she had just fainted but I was still worried. What was I supposed to do? I ended up calling Humble who's flight to LA had just gotten in. He was staying for the week for mad work sessions and I wanted Ellie to meet my no.1 work buddy! 

He didn't pick up do I texted him. 

Me: Hey I don't know what to do please text back.

Humble: Whats up? I just landed

Me: Ellie just passed out I don't know what to do

Humble: Oh crap...I'll call an UBER so I should be there in 20.

Me: Ok but what do I do now

Humble: Call your mom...i don't know Lil

Me: Ok.

I was trying to stay calm but even Humble didn't know what to do. I did what he told me to and called my mum. She told me to stay calm but I couldn't. I was beginning to have a panic attack. No will be ok...don't do this now. Humble turned up after what seemed like forever. "WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?" I don't know where that came from. I think Humble saw the look on my face because he comforted me and put an icepack on Ellie's head.

>Ellie's P.O.V< 

I could slowly see again. It felt like it had only been a few seconds but it clearly had been longer because Lilly sprinted up to me and fell to the ground hugging me. I didn't really know what had happened. Then I saw a man behind her. "Lilly?" I was beginning to panic, how did someone get into the house? I curled up into a ball when Lilly started laughing and said, "This is my good friend Humble!" 

Phew! I thought the house was broken into. I tried to sit up but nothing really happened. Lilly carried me to bed and said that I just needed some rest. It was nearly 3am so I went to sleep. I woke up at around 10am to laughter. I think Lilly might've been vlogging but I wasn't sure. I felt weak. As if I couldn't really move so I didn't call out or anything.

>Lilly's P.O.V< 

I heard a slight moan come from Ellie's room. Humble sort of went silent and gave me a look as if something might be wrong.  I felt a sick feeling in my stomach as I got closer to Ellie's room. A wave of relief hit me as I saw her awake and resting. "Lilly...I feel weak." I replied, "You just need something to eat, come out here." 

Ellie slowly walked to the table where I gave her some eggs on toast. I hated seeing her like this. I planned on booking a meeting with the school about the amount of homework given. And I sure did! The next thing I knew I was sitting in front of the leader of wellbeing (or something like that) and explaining the situation. 

Me: This is causing serious stress and anxiety.

Leader: Your just making excuses for your child.

Me: No i'm not. She was sitting in her room for hours doing work and she still didn't finish.

Leader: You do not seem like a fit parent...

*knock on door*

Leader: Come in and wait.

Hanna walked in

Me: What you just said is absolutely stupid. 

Leader: You are selfish and don't care about anyone. I'm sure you clean bathrooms for a living. 

This nearly made me laugh out loud. 

Hanna: You must be stupid because she changes lives for a living.

Hanna literally gave a 5 minute speech on how amazing I am and it melted my heart.

Leader: Mrs Singh, you can leave now. 

Me: Next time you wanna mess with team super a storm is coming.


A/N Sorry for short chapter...and not updating for so long. School is killing me. Please leave ideas below and check out my new 'would you rather' thingy. I love you all!!!

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