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I just want to say something important. This is the first story that I have ever wrote so I know they are a few mistakes in the story and sorry for that.

Dedicated to Nataliesfl for the amazing song that fits perfectly with the story!! :)

Enjoy! :)

Edited by letthesparksfly


I saw the cheerleaders practicing in the field, the Goths talking in their little group, the jocks eyeing the girls that passed by them, I saw an ordinary high school. You would think that this was the normal high school experience, well is not. Is not when everybody hates you and looks at you like you were not worthy of living like you're a pest in their daily lives.

Well, that's my life. My name is Savannah and this is my story.

My mother died of giving birth to me, even if I didn't know her, I admired her and loved her. My father , didn't look at me as his daughter, he looks at me like the monster that took the woman he loved away or more likely his soul mate. Yes I know like I am exaggerating but I'm not. This is the real thing to a werewolf.

Yes, people, I'm a werewolf, well... I'm half, my mother had werewolf blood because her grandparents were werewolves. However, my mom had little were blood so she didn't shift and that made her vulnerable.

After my birth, my father was never present in any of my developing events in my life like my first word or my first baby steps, the servants in the house were my real family.

When I was four my father remarried a woman named Clarisse and she looked nice at first. She had two daughters. One was a year older than me named Scarlet and another one was two years younger than me named Leah. As mentioned, she was nice at first but then she turned cold . She would ignore me, glare at me and even tell lies about me to my father, saying that I was doing bad things like braking their stuff and not respecting her. I told my father that they were lies but he never believed me. Since then, I knew I had no parents that cared for me. My brother never stood up for me, and would watch as the kids bullied me but at least they didn't laugh.

I have always lived like this and it was not a problem in my life...

Until he came...

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