"I'll tell as much as I can when we get in the car. Come on,"

"But what about Gilbert?"

"Others will look for him. Follow me,"

I was reluctant to go without Gilbert, but I had no choice.

As we drove in the women's car, she started to slowly explain what was going on.

Vater was one of the top soldiers in the CCG. He was smart and strong and quick. He always finishes his missions and took down many ghouls. It was dangerous, but he always was brave. I inspired to be like him.

This mission was to finally finish off The Gladiator, a high class ghoul who has been finally located.

We finally got to the building where Vater works at. She took me inside as I watched many soldiers run out. They were probably going to do another job. I continued to follow her. The place was huge. People who were working stopped to look at me. Some smiled and waved, others turned around quickly or frowned.

Finally, she let me sit down outside an office and went inside after knocking. I waited in my seat and got anxious. It was like getting in trouble and waiting to go to the principal's office, except you didn't do anything wrong and don't know why you're here.

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