New York?

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The rest of the day was passing in a flurry of light and voices mingling from everywhere.

Bree won.

Cian too I guess. She looked smug with the small cheap trophy in her hands, I realised she was taking this seriously. It may of had to do with all the modelling agents here. The ones Gracia were talking about...

"Aren't they from G.G?" Holly asked me and Alex.

"Yeah, they're from the marketing. Some of these people are crazy important." He replied.

Alex hadn't let me go since we got of stage. His arm was tight around my waist and if not his hand was in mine.

"Ah, that's why Bree-"

"She's making a big act. Right." Alex spoke but I knew that it hurt him. He had trusted Bree all the time. Never thinking bad of her. She instead of getting closer what was what she wanted managed to push herself away.

"But all these people are here for you." He squeezed my hand and my eyes widened.

"But Gracia said it was only modelling."

"And mum brought her whole entrage."

"To a school performance." Holly added.

Sam came from behind.

"To see a girl on crutches loose it for a boy?"

I did loose it didn't I.

"That reminds me, " I jabbed a finger at Alex but he only grinned, "I need to talk to you later." Later, because right now I was worried about the faces looking at me. People in fancy suits.

I could have picked a better day to wear the worst clothes I have.

Pulling me out of my mind Alex kissed me fast and in that second grabbed my hand. He started walking towards the scary people.

I gulped.

"What are you doing!" I screeched but my body followed his in sync.

"Alex West." A man in a grey suit and purple tie asked and he nodded in a polite manner. He looked so hostile I realised i hadn't seen this Alex in a while. This Alex or the other flirty type one...

I liked this Alex, a lot.

The man in the purple tie then looked and me and I nearly died. He looked disapproving.

well what did he expect. I was a model and only a new one I don't have the greatest of fashion sense, this Hollys thing I'm more of a ok I'll do what you tell me type of person and was dead lucky to have gotten anybody like Alex especially since he's had a sketchy past but then so have I and here I want now with him but I need to impress this tie dude and-

"Why hadn't Ms Gracia informed us before?" He asked breaking my chain if thought. Right, he hated me.

"I don't know sir. My mother didn't inform me about your people coming here. She wouldn't have known either." Alex said for me.

"But, I'd have you know she is the most beautiful person when you take her in properly." I edged not to touch my burning face.

"Yes Mr west. I can see your perspective. Actually. She's quite good with the crutches." The tie man said and by now I was beyond confused.

Suddenly a microphone screeched and pierced all ears. I had to balance my crutches to have hands over my ears. Or I would certainly have gone deaf.

After the agonising seconds someone spoke up. It was one of the teachers who were judging.

"Students and guests. Thank you for making this a very successful morning. Our winning duet will receive the prize money. I hope this makes you all understand everyone one of you has a talent inside them. Now, I was told a guest speaker would like to talk." She paused and looked over to where I stood. Soon I realised she was nodding to tie man and he walked up to the stage, his sandy blonde head was bobbing higher as he climbed the stairs.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now