Maybe I was just hungry

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Alex's POV


Should I wake her up?

I decided to not, since I was even scaring myself. I need to check if I'm still a male.

Since when did I start caring for girls.

So instead of being pulled to her room at 8 in the morning I decided to grab something to eat.

I was nearing the fridge when I saw a note stuck to it.

Had to leave for a photo shoot
A good few days I'll be gone.

P.s Take care of Ris

I read through and groaned. Now I was alone with a girl. And for some reason I was nervous.

I went to her room and creaked the door open, the scent of lime and vanilla came from the room. Or maybe from Iris.

She stepped out of the shower in a towel and I suddenly shut the door hard. What was I doing sneaking up on a girl. I could walk straight in for all I cared.

I rubbed my face and did was I would do Usually.

Walk straight in.

She screamed and held her towel tightly. I forced my eyes to stay on her face. Her face was flush, but really pale. She had dark circles under her eyes.

"Are you feeling ok?" I said walking up to her.

she looked ticked off but I could see her blush.

"OK? You just Saunder into my room when I'm in a towel and you ask if I'm ok!"

Without restraint I put my hand on her forehead. Heat radiated off her in waves, I didn't want to move my hand but I did. It would look weird otherwise.

"You've got a fever."

She growled and her face said no shit sherlock.

"Get out of my room Alex."
I almost listened to her.


"Why? Last time I checked it was my house."

"You said I have a fever right? Can you please not bug me today?" She said that but I didn't want to believe she meant it.

Was I actually bugging her? Is this what she thought I was doing.

"Get changed into something comfortable and meet me downstairs in 10 minutes. I know Girls take long but that's all you've got."

She opened her mouth to probably say that I wasn't her master. But I left before she could.

For some reason I felt like I had right on her. And it was killing me.

Iris was down and ready in only 5 minutes. Her hair still wet and a blank face, clear of any makeup. Well I did only tell her to be comfortable.

she walked down the glass stairs looking at her feet, her long brown hair hid her pink face. She was wearing a duck T-shirt and skinny jeans, and for some reason something pulled me towards her.

Whats wrong with you Alex.

I really needed to go out find another girl.

"Don't you look sexy." I said, I'm assuming she took it as sarcasm since she rolled her eyes. But I was only telling the truth.

"Why did you force me down here." He voice was strained and she did look sick.

"Because we are going to have breakfast."

She looked at me.

"In a cafe." I strode off to her, grabbed her hand in mine and walked out the door.

Her hand fit perfectly like her hand was carved out of mine, and something stirred in me. Maybe I was just hungry.

I drove Ris to a local cafe, and we sat down, she looked better already.

"Um Alex? Why did we come here."

"For breakfast, I don't want you cooking for me. I don't want to get your fever too." I joked.

Maybe I didn't want her cooking, or maybe I just wanted her to feel better. I kept surprising myself.

"No I meant, why are we HERE." She gestured to the red and brown cafe walls. It was a small cafe, with hardly any people.

"Because cafes have food."

"I thought maybe you were into well more, 5 star places. Not local cafes."

"I may look like I'm made of gold. But Iris, even I get tired of eating from a silver plate with the 5 star food."

She nodded as if she understood.

"This is the first time I've went to a cafe since mum died." Iris whispered to me. She was opening up, ever so slightly.

"Mum loved the smell of coffee. Cafes remind me of her." She gave me a strong bitter smile.

My arms twitched, I wanted to hold her and make sure she was fine.

"Do you want to leave?"

"No, actually I'm suprised that I'm not in tears. Maybe your not the worst person ever. Since I'm not considering running away." She said eating her crossiant. Flakes fell on her lap and she rubbed them off.

"Oh so your ready to admit it, you love me. Don't be shy, Perfect opportunity to spill it." I joked, But in a way I did want her to say something.

"er, I'll pass thanks." I swear I caught her blushing.

Maybe she does like me.
But I've only shown her that I'm a jerk. Why would she.

After breakfast we got back on the road, back home.

"Thanks Alex." I heard her whisper ever so lightly."

Naturally I put my hand over hers, which was seated in her lap.

She didn't flinch and that made me grin on the inside . I needed to get a hold on myself. Because I wasn't letting a girl have this effect on me.

When we got home, I let her sleep untill her fever wore off.


Just a filler I know but the next few chapters will be better I promise.

And I'm going to post another book called killers Bandages nearer to Christmas.

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