Food deserved Respect.

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"But dad, You said this time anything. And this is importent to me."I whined pushing my peas around in my plate scunching my nose at the fork scraping against it.

"Listen Ris. It's not me who's going to stop you. Go ask your brother then come tell me what he says." My dad. Since mum died we were close. So close he let us do anything and live our life to the fullest. But Travis decided to take up the father role in my life Cause he thought I needed encouragement in the right direction.

"But Travis will never let me." I finally put my fork down and sighed. I really wanted this Job.

"Let you do what?" I heard a deep but soft voice echo from the hallway. And then after which seemed like minutes Travis reached the kitchen his brown hair that stood in every direction like grass.

Did I mention that we practically live in a manor.

Or that everyone in the area did. Our school was full of children from my neighbourhood, I just thank my gran for showering her son with money, It does make life a lot easier.

"Travis! Your back a week early son." My dad and brother had a hug that you know most of the girl population don't understand. And when dad let go I walked over before letting my fist free punching him on his stomach, with a frown on my face.

"Hey what was that for." He said rubbing his belly as if It could have made any effect. On him. My brother was a player and he would grin at the accusation. Meaning he had the rock hard abs which my poor delicate hand hit.

"For being a prick! You never answer my calls." I said in the same whiny tone cradling my hand, like the very mature adult I wasn't.

Noticably Travis cringed and leaned over the marble red counter. Grabbing the last green apple.

I snatched it out of his grasp.

"No eating until you tell me why you never picked up. I get you've got uni and stuff. Girls to bang and rules to break but what about me."

"OK ok sorry Ris. But first the apple,you don't bring food in to fights." Unwillingly I gave him back his apple.

He was right.
Food deserved respect.

"OK so If you must know I was busy looking for a real job." He said chewing on the Apple.

"Really?" I heard dad speak up. He looked truelly hopefull as his eyes lit up.

"Yeah really, but first, what what will I not let you do Ris?" He got me back on track.

How would I tell him.
It's such big news
It could change my reputation
he's not gonna let me
I'm gonna make a fool of myself
I can't tell him.

I took a big breath...

"Well, so me and Holly went to this boutique you know. G.G and the designer and owner Gracia offered me a modelling job while I was there. Please don't say no , I know you want to keep me safe but this is the first thing that can get my life started you know. And it's not too bad, only weekly won't ruin my studies it's only photos shoots nothing major Travis you love me right please don't say no cause I will die right now I need to know your ok with this or I'll collapse and my life will be over and-"

"Shut up Ris. I'm cool with it." He said through a mouthful of Apple.

"I knew you wouldn't - what?"

"You heard. I'm ok with it. I trust you to know what your doing."  He said with a amused glint in his eyes. He swallowed the last bit of the apple.

"Thank you so much Travis!" I attacked my older brother with a viscous hug throwing my arms over him, but to my disappointment he didn't even take a step back. 

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now