Why can't the damn world just let me forget.

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I was in the line waiting to grab chios and leave. I never liked the school canteen and today it was overly crowded. I could smell mixed perfumes and hear laughs, behind me Even Holly was texting with her headphones in.

I grabbed her white wire and pulled it out of her ear.

"Holly I feel like a loner." I whined moving slowly in the queue.

"Go find Alex." She had a smirk on her face but it changed to a grin when she looked at her screen.

I stretched my neck to see her phone screen and gasped.

"Travis?  He's actually texting you?" I grabbed her arm so Holly faced me.
She just flashed me a grin and continued to text my brother. I wanted to tell her her had been round yesterday,  with his new flavour of the month.

She was going to get herself hurt.
"We'll argue over this later, grab your chips so we can get out of this place. It stinks of sweat"

Paying for them We were making our way out when I heard Annika form behind. Did I ever mention she was also in our college. She was a year older but her parents paid for her to stay another year.

I turned back and stood dropping a chip to the ground.  and watched it get trampled on.

She stood in the tightest shorts and the shortest top. She flashed a evil smile at a girl across the canteen and climbed on the table.

"Everyone knows Alex but who better than me? I'm his girlfriend ans have been for 2 years. Untill a stupid slut decided that she wanted my place. Claire! Don't give me the suprised faces. She's a theif a liar a whore!"

I stood helplessly n the crowd of students watching Annika break Claire.  I saw Claire on the opposite side of the hall breathing heavily. Red and crying. People had their phones out.

"She lured Alex towards her! And took use of his drunk state. After giving him drugs! That peice of shit doesn't deserve all her friends or the boys chasing her!" Annika's voice echoed through the hall. Everyone was whispering. Girls shocked, that Claire the sweetest girl. She may be a slight of a slut. But she wasn't bad.

And the boys that chased after her. They swore.

"And If that wasn't enough she rubbed it in my face! Left Alex broken and me crying. She's a fucking bitch and everyone who thought otherwise was wrong!"

"Shut the hell up Annika!" I found myself shouting at her.My chips were long gone. I was mad. She didn't have the right to do anything like this to anyone.

She stood on the table and I stood below.

"You trying to challenge me Iris?" Her sickly sweet voice sounded too fake.

"Challenges are for kids. If your old enough make a bet." I shot at her pulling myself on the table. So I was level. Her heels gave her a boost but I was raging with confidence.

Just 2 weeks ago I was a simple in the crowd college girl who everyone except Holly found a way to not look at.

And now I was in the middle of a crowd fighting for Claire. The popular person.  Since when was I her bodyguard.  But this was about Alex...

"I don't have time for your bets. But if you want money you could have asked." She said with he disgusting sticky lips.

" Keep your money to yourself Annika. First learn how to count."

"If your trying to defend Claire don't. Your just as bad." I could hear people talking now. Trying to remember what my name is. I heard Holly call for me. Begging me to come down.

Not today.  I'm not backing down anymore.  All my life I've hidden away. And I've had enough.

" I'm pretty sure the other day I saw leave you on his doorstep."

"He only did that because you clouded his mind with your words. It's not like he can gain anything with your body." This hurt. But I was used to it.

"If insulting me is gonna help you go for it. I pity you." What I said was true.

"you fucking freeloader! no wonder your mum killed herself!" I sucked in my breath. "You killed her!"

I brought my hand to her face and slapped her hard. Leaving a read mark and a nail scratch on her face. I was breathing hard and tried not to feel the tear on my face. How did she know about my mum.

Everyone knows.

"You bitch." I said with my last full breath and climbed down the table. I pushed past the crowd and bumped into Alex. I growled at him.

"Annika what are you doing." Alex called making everyone shut their mouth and and look out way.

I heard Annika click her heels. I had my back to her and resisted the erge to punch her.

"Don't take the side of this lowlife. I didn't day anything Alex. It was she who slapped me." Her voice returned to the fake plastic one it was before.

"Why is she crying?" I heard Alex say calmly. Why is he caring about me.

"Alex! She's nothing but shit. Like claire and everyone knows. She couldn't make her mother love her!"

I turned around bringing my fist to her noes. I heard a crack, gasps from the students. and I ran out of the canteen straight to the parking.

Tears ran down my face and I couldn't breathe. I stopped and crouched  down coughing.

"Ris!" Holly reached me and gave me my trusty inhaler.

"She knows Holly." I breathed out not being able to control my breath.

"She can't. There's no one else that knows except me."

But she does. She knows about mum.

I sat on the ground and clutched my throbing head. I shouldn't have said anything. Everyone knows.

Why can't the damn world just let me forget. I don't want to remember mum. Cause I believe I killed her.
I killed her.

More tears escaped my shadowed eyes. Why do these memories have to come to push me back.

"I !"

I looked up to see Alex jogging towards me. He held out his hand to pull me up but I refused. standing up I faced him.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with her. This isn't like her." I could tell he found it hard to say sorry. He slurred his words and scratched his neck.

"Take care of your girlfriend."I said. I grabbed Holly's arm and pulled her in to her mini. She stared at me with her mouth open.

The only thing I could think of was that everyone knows.
Everyone knows.


Faster update

Poor Iris
But she's a bad ass.  And she can punch.

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Q) What nickname should Ris have. called by Alex?


(not edited feel free to point out mistakes.)

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