Choose you, over and over again

358 21 5

"Please Ris." Holly said.

"You gonna let a boy do this to you." Sam said on the other side of my bed.

"But it's Alex, not just a boy." I squeaked defending him, the only reason because I like him too much. It scares me.

"Ah of course. King Alex West. You want us to fan him and kiss the ground he walks on."Sam added. And I turned a deep pink. This is stupid.

"She already does that." Holly said and Sam rolled her eyes.

"I just don't feel up to it." I muttered.

"Oh come on. It's gonna be great. These competition are hilarious. Some people puke on stage."Sam said with a eager gleam in her eyes.

"Ew Sam." Said Holly who held my arm tight dragging me out of my bed.

You see my bed was my only true friend. Didn't force me to do things, and of course didn't lie and suddenly disappear. Not hinting at a certain someone.

"Bree's gonna be there." I said sounding like a mouse.

"Your making another mistake. First one being stupid and letting Bree trip you." Holly held up her finger, "And second hiding away in your room. Two wrongs don't make a right. "

"Take Bree's parents for example." Sam said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine fine I'll go," They started jumping up and down still holding on to my arms," But you have to help me out of bed. These crutches hurt like hell."

It took us around a hour to get me up ready and dresses then they dragged me to school walking since dad had left with his car. And we were all late.

The competition was held first thing in the morning. Half of it was already over, I so so wish Bree had done hers so I didn't have to see it.

But you see there is such a thing called karma. I must have been a bad kid to have deserved this.

We squeezed in squashed against of the walls and between the crowd. All chairs packed we stood.

"Bree Wintal." A junior who was hosting said and ran off the stage.

Oh no

I for some reason couldn't peel my eyes away as Bree sauntered on to stage in her bright cobalt blue body con. Her hair sleek straight and to me fake. Her eyes shimmered with glitter but It was sick because I found her quite pretty.

Pretty evil.

I noticed that I only worse a old green hoodie and shorts. But u wasn't performing it anything.

I watched as she smiled to her left with the knowing gleam in her Eyes. Made them look even brighter and wide. Faking innocence. And from her her walked in a boy whom I had known and now hated.


"Isn't that?" Sam started.

"It is."Holly answered.

"Perfect for eachother."

They truly were. But in her eyes were only flames burning to destroy. Not love or even warmth.

The hidden love in her was for Alex. Who was nowhere to be seen.

I scanned for the judges but they had there backs to me. But I could tell there eyes were trained onto the sick couple about to perform.

Why was I torturing myself?

"Once upon a time." Bree spoke into the microphone attached around her head, "There was a girl and a boy." She spoke confidently along side of the music which was slowly getting louder.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin