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I was brought back to my empty home by Alex as ordered by Gracia. I was searching my drawers for an inhaler.

I felt his presence behind me.

"Here." He held out the blue tube, I thanked him and took in the medicine relieving my numb senses.

He put his warm arm around my shoulders and sat me on the cold sofa.

My eyes were dry of tears, I couldn't cry anymore.

"He's gone Alex."

"I know, but he wouldn't want you acting like this would he?"

"But I didn't even say goodbye."

"Sometimes, it's better to let go on a good note."

We sat together with his protective arms holding the broken me.

"My mother died when I was 15, only years ago, on new years eve."

"Shh you don't have to tell me."

"But I want to." I whispered. I was tired of holding it all in.

"Then I'm here to listen." I nodded.

"On new years eve there was a party, and it was a boy which I had a crush on who invited me. I really really wanted to go, but mum didn't let me saying I was too young to be out at this time of year alone. And of course I thought she was being stupid and unfair." Suprisingly a tear escaped the drought which were my eyes. And it stung. I closed then for a while as Alex wiped it away.

"So we fought, we fought a lot. And even I knew all she wanted was good for me. But I was adamant that I was responsible. So I got ready in a thin disgusting black dress and bright orange lipstick which I had seen his my crushes old girlfriend wear." I bitterly chuckled at myself.

I looked at him for a second and just saw care in his eyes. This is the player? The jerk, Alex?

So I carried on.

"And I left, I took a taxi and went to where the address was. And guess what. It was a club. I paid got of and stood confused about what to do and how to get in. And then I saw him, Cody, my crush. He looked at me in such a strong lustful way which I assumed was love and admiration. So I followed him in when he told me to go with him. I entered the raging party full of drunk teenagers and music but went straight to the fifth floor with him and saw him facing the balcony. I thought it was romantic."

By now I was angry thinking about the foolishness of my actions.

Alex just kept his gaze low, but had a look of understanding and gave me no pressure to tell more. Which made me just want to spill.

"It was the third floor so quite high up. I followed him to the edge of the balcony and looked down. I thought it was pretty because I wasn't scared of heights as I am now. He told me I looked hot and he told me that he was stupid for not noticing me before. I was so happy that this was working out all I did was stand taller and act more seductive. And that's when Cody, that's when."

I took I deep breath.

"He cornered me and i hit a door which he unlocked and pushed me in where I fell roughly on a bed. He assaulted me, raped me. He dirted me that night and to this day Alex, I can't get the feeling of his hands out if my memories."

Alex held me tighter and told me I didn't have to tell him. But now what did I have to loose?

"I wasn't even afraid of him when he was done. I was just hurt and mentally I switched myself off. At the age of 15 Alex, I was 15. The unfortunate truth is that, it Wasn't even the worst part. My mum had been following me and an hour later she opened the door to where I was sitting on the floor and Cody still trying to touch me after all he did. She, she screamed at him but now Cody was drunk; and a drunk person is the same as a mad man. He hit my mother Alex! He fucking raped my mum in front of me! He left to get more alcohol and that's when my mother came up to me. It was all my fault for running off. She followed me and after I was raped she was too. And then, she kissed my for head wrote me a note on my hand and grabbed broken glass to cut her vein. On new years night I had seen too much. Been though so much. I saw my mother kill herself. And you can't say it wasn't my fault."

I ended shivering and with images in my mind with made me soak Alex's top with my tears.

"She wrote I love you, and no one can love you as much as me. She wrote that on my palm and killed herself. She killed herself. But it was murder! I made her kill myself. I got her there and She was raped! It was all me! I left the room with her blood on me which was pooling out from her wrist. Then Cody came back and found me at the balcony. And since then I can't stand being high up. It brings back too much. Cody came back to touch me again but someome came to help me. Someome still had some trace of humanity in them. And that was codys older brother. It was Cian. But what did I know. I fell for the older brother who had come to my rescue. Only to be hurt from him as well. And thats my story Alex. I'm a muderer." I need in a whisper and didn't realise I had my face buried into the crook of his neck.

"Anyone could be a muderer in the sense of bringing a bad conclusion, but the truth that you won't accept is that you arnt one. It wasn't your fault. You are the strongest girl I've seen, and it makes me realise my own weaknesses. Your changing me Iris. Not on purpose but you are. And for the I could call you an angel, or a friend." I backed away so I could face him and he looked at me with so much care in his eyes. The care looked too fragile to be real.

"I don't know how but you look beautiful all the time, and right then when you were telling me your story. You looked nothing less than a goddess."

I laughed. "What with this nest of hair and snot. You need a new sight."

"Actually, it's only now that my eyes have opened." He whispered in a such a way which no one else could hear. The room was still and I realised that his breath was lower.

He came closer as did I, and i dipped my face up to let my lips catch his.

But just a mere second later someone came into the room.

"Alex! Gracia told me you were here! Oh I see your sympathising with the poor girl." I quickly backed away and Alex looked up right away to see Bree.

Sympathising? Maybe, maybe that's it. He's Alex, so many girls too many hearts. My threat felt tight for the dozenth time tonight.

"No Bree, what aren't out doing here anyway."

"Is that how you greet a friend."

"Right now Bree I've got other people to care about too."

"What about me? I need your help Alex. I need your help to find my mother her birthday present and your being so cruel."

"Bree this is way more important than a present. I'll find you later ok?"

"No!" She whined. Her voice was once again the sound of a annoying mole rat. " You know how much my mum means to me."

"And what if she died?"

"Than I would need to come to you. It's always you Alex." Bree said looking down slightly. She loved him. I was sure of it.

"Alex, I'll just go." I said standing up but he grabbed my wrist.

"You don't have to go anywhere. You've been through enough. "

"Alex! what about my mother's present!''

"Shut it for a minute bree. Someone's family just broke down today. Some I had spoken to before has died. Just go."

"Oh, I'm so very sorry. Iris right? I feel your loss."

"I doubt it."I snarled at her.

"Well I guess kissing Alex made up for it ey?"

"Maybe it would if I were you. but got me family comes first. And that kiss. It was nothing. Like you said. Sympathy." I shot at her and ran upstairs to get away from any more drama. I caught eye of Alex whose eyes were filled with hurt.

Maybe, just maybe. This kiss was something.

But again, I had death to worry about.


A quite big chapter that was, spent most of my night and morning writing. Hope it counts for something.

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