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The music worked with me even though I had to practice without Alex, he told me he had to go since it was a family problem but it hurt that he didn't tell me more. I know I shouldn't feel bad, he doesn't need to tell me everything. But at the end of the day I feel I've spilt my guts out to him and he left with just a text.

I continued to a flip my mind still thinking. Has he come back yet or is he still doing whatever?

Alex where are you?
Why did you tell me where is was you were going.

Whose the clingy girlfriend now? I stand guilty.

I huffed and did the hardest jump I could just to prove a point to no one in particular. And one seconds later felt a high pitched scream leave someone's throat. So raw and screechy. But only when I landed on my ankle pushing my feet against the floor with my weight and edging my hands out to steady myself I realised it was my voice and the foot which was now twisted and underneath had a long thin red bruise. I looked up biting my lip in pain. It hurt like hell and my mind thumped.

Still sitting out of my eye I caught sight of a reflection of a person with long blonde hair.

The bitch. And her stupid louboutin heals.

I held the chair on the far right and pushed myself up only to sit back onto the floor. This is ridiculous.

"What the fuck Ris? What happened?" I heard a alarmed voice and my heart sunk when it wasn't Alex but Sam.

Ris are you being for real. Your thinking of him got you in to this mess and your still thinking of him. But really that's all I can do and will do. He's emersed himself into me mentally and I can't let go.


"Where's that mother fucking bitch. She needs a full head hair wax and her nails pulled with clippers." Sam said with rage but her threatening words differed from her calm helping. She sat me on to the chair and looked at me foot which was red swollen and turning purple.

"She probabaly has hair extensions and acrylic nails though." I sighed.

"Where does she get the money." Sam said mindlessly.

"Stripping maybe. A blind person would think she doesn't look good.

"Then I must be blind, she's faker than a barbie. Even barbie has class, she rides fucking unicorns for fuck sake!"

"You know she looks a bomb. Too bad she'll be the starter of Ww3."I said. Bree was beautiful in a sinister way no doubt. But she knew what she did was evil.

"But Alex only got eyes for you. Tell me, any hickies yet?" She asked eagerly and I felt heat burn my face. Almost I forgot about my foot in pain.

I shook my head.

"Damn he's taking his time." She whisled and a disturbed though entered me.

If he's taking his time it must be because he realised I'm no good. Is that why he just left suddenly. Maybe he thought my body was overrated. He sees models often, he probabaly saw a beauty.

No, he's not like that now. Not any more. I had to trust that.

Because it had to be the truth. I realised I'd go insane if it wasn't.

We finally made it to the nurses office who quickly bandaged me and sent me off to the local hospital incase it was really bad. Sam was by my side but I felt guilty because despite her warm presence I remembered two people I wanted by me. One in particular. Oh Alex. He wasn't even picking up.

I was sitting in a Blue soft chair waiting for the doctor to double check the X ray when one face I wanted to see stormed in looking puffed.

"Ris! What happened?" Holly breathed out and I noticed that she noticed that Sam had noticed her. Well, this was awkward.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now