Dear universe I would appreciate if you didn't play sick Jokes on me.

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"Who is this bimbo mum, If you don't need her can I have her?"

I tried not to drool instead I replied.

"If You didn't notice Me and Ms Gracia are trying to have a conversation, could you come back later?"

Feeling proud that I had a strong stand I was nearly about to give a small smirk. Then his smirk got to its biggest, lighting up his eyes.

"Clearly you didn't notice. My mother would never not appreciate me being here.''

Dear universe I would appreciate if you didn't play sick Jokes on me. I reddened and looked to my feet. Looked at the lace of my converse. She's he's mother! This couldn't get any worse for me.

By the time Gracia laughed loudly I had analylised every stitch of my shoe.

She's laughing! So I didn't make a total fool out of myself.

She's laughing at you Ris not with you. Idiot.

Thanks brain. You make my day.

By now The model looking guy had walked all the way to me, smirking with every step. He was so close now I could see his black shoes with my converse.  A few steps away I heard Garcia's sigh.

I looked away and saw his perfect face just a foot away from mine.

"Oh stop annoying her, and no you can't have her, She's not a thing Alex. I'm pretty sure you left Anikka back at the house didn't you? Ugh what am I gonna do with you." Gracia said to her son with a look of amusing disapproval.

"Anikka will get it, I'm sure she knows it was just a night. " Alex said and I scrunched up my nose. And I thought humanity was a thing at the risk of extinction, not extinct.

Why do all the ones with the good faces have to be worst.

"Sorry dear, I'm pretty sure your friend called you Iris yes? So Iris what I wanted to ask if you would be willing to spend just a day on a weekly basis to come do a photo shoot?"

I shut my mouth so no flies would fly in.

Gracia was asking me to work for her. As a model, as in with G.G! This had to be a joke on me, where were the cameras? Aaaaah! Holly was gonna freak.

"So if your going to keep her then I can't have her?" Alex asked once again with a small fake pout.

"Do I get a say?" I said and he smirked once again.

"Try saying something sweetheart."

I tried not to let his grey eyes keep me captive and with all the strength I could muster I smiled sweetly at him turning to Gracia.

"Actually I'll do it." I'm not stupid. It was G.G. and as nerve-wracking it sounded to be placed and moved about and taken photos of, it was something new and fresh. And I definitely needed a new start, closing the old chapter of my life.

Did I mention it was G.G?

Alex tutted fakly.
"You just lost me."

"Well the Alex, I presume your here for?" Gracia said ignoring her witty son.

"Yeah, it's kinda bad." His hand went back as he scratched his neck.

"Well I'll take care of it, but honestly Son, please I can't come to the rescue all the time. And for now me and Iris need to have a quick chat. Go get ready." Alex looked annoyed not with his mum, but with himself.

I guess he probably does a lot of stupid things.

He gave me another smirk before turning and walking away.
Even his walk was perfect. Infuriating.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now