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Dedicated to unicorngirl2017 for her quick readings and sweet comments. keep reading!

Well, my pillow was soft my bed creaky and the dark curtains let no light in. I was used to this because it was my room but I felt so oddly out of place. Probably because it was 2 and I should have been at school. I groaned at my helplessness and sat up to just Stare at the mirror ahead of me.

It was a girl who looked nothing like she did before. I didn't have those worry lines or a weak jaw. I felt strong and I know only, only Alex helped me with that.

He was the sunshine in my life. But right now it had been clouded.

I knew I was meant to stay in bed but my damn foot can go to hell. I wobbled out of bed into the bathroom got decent and sat on the bed again because I had done it without crutches and the pain was livid.

What the fuck? I always wanted something special like this to happen so everyone would be all around me. A lousy thought yes but it would be cool. I wanted it cause I craved attention. I tried to fill the big hole my mother had taken with her.

Now I only needed one text, one call from Alex and that's would be more than enough.

Where are you.

Hours past of doing nothing useful, except I managed to finish a assignment for school, if you can call the useful. Now I sat on my sofa clutching my phone. I called up Gracia.

"Hello?" I asked nervously. Why hadn't I called her before?

"Alex isn't picking up my calls. Is everything ok?" I really didn't want to sound needy in front of her but I was desperate. In only two days I realsied I was addicted to him.

"Everything is fine here. He left house for school this morning." She answered and it wasn't what I expected.

"And yesterday?"

"Yes, he left like normal. I'm getting worried dear. Is everything ok?"

He left for school? No he didn't. I didn't see him. We always met during one of our classes and he wasn't there. But the teachers didn't say anything either. Alex.

"No it's fine. I think somethings wrong with my phone. Because it's not getting signals." I lied.

"OK, bye dear. See you tommorow modeling."

"Yeah Bye." I said before hanging up and shutting my eyes closed tight. He didn't leave because of personal issues. He was still in town but absent from school. I don't think Gracia was lying, I don't even think she knows.

But the teachers know. They just skipped his name when they were calling out for us.

He lied to me. Why?

The day past with me sending texts after the other like some stalker. Why was I so addicted. I smiled at my patheticness. He lied to me and I'm still begging for his attention.

What a wuss Ris.

I sighed for the billionth time and every time my heart fell by a few more inches.

The day passed and I hobbled back to bed with my crutches and laid myself in. My phone grasped in my hand as if it was my life source.

Who am I kidding, he didn't reply before why would he now.

He'd seen the texts didn't he? What if, what if...

Stop thinking the worst. Your just delusional.

I stubbornly put my phone a metre away and stared at it. Even in the darkness I could make out its shape and size.

If it just flashed...

It did.

In a half second I grabbed and opened my phone to see the text, indeed from Alex.


I was crushed. He said he was crazy about me. I laughed at myself and felt tears run out of my eyes.

After all that, I told him about my ankle, my day off, that I was worried sick. I had left him essays of text and he replied with something that was only 4 letters. But it hurt more than anything else could.

No Alex, you can't do this to me. I won't let you. whatever it is you will tell me. You said I'm strong. Guess what, I'll show you that.

But I still cried to sleep.

I wonder if he knew?


This chapter was just a treat. It was going to be longer but I wanted to change povs so I decided to stop it here. if your lost with the time periods she's asleep now and when she wakes it will be competition day.

What do you want to say to Alex at this point. What would you do if you were Ris?

Comment here-

Hoe you liked it. make me smile but clicking the vote. And make me die of happiness by a sweet shout out.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now