I'll dance, only for you.

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Finally making it to school I ran to my class which had just began. Economics. Turning corners and trying not to be seen by teachers was the hardest. I noticed the Classroom door was closed meaning she would have to turn the squeaky handle and open the even squeaker door, letting everyone know she was let. Great.

Breathing out annoyed she opened the door hard and the teacher started at her in horror. Was it a crime to open a door with force?

"Your late Miss Foster."

Oh, it's a crime to be late is it?

"Sorry Professor." I said to the balding teacher and sat down at the front in the blinding sunlight where no one wanted to sit. I didn't care, the sunlight was warm and I loved it.

The Class ended in me scribbling notes I didn't understand and trying to ask questions without him ignoring me. Flustered I shoved everything in my bag and left.

I wish I could have left.

"You were late miss Foster." He called and everyone cringed for me. Holly wasn't in this class so I guess she would be worried sick thinking I was home hungover.

"Yes."I muttered walking back to the merciless teacher.

"And why?" Most college teachers had finally expected we had lives and shouldn't be questioned about everything but obviously sir didn't get the gist of that yet.

"My dad didn't decide to wake me up and I slept through my alarm."I said truthfully since any lie would just get me in Greater trouble.

"I see, as we both know it is not appropriate for a college student nearing her exams to be late. For this you will be at room 6b after school for 2 hours helping." I blinked one, twice.

"Detention?" I splattered. Was he for real. I'd never had a detention.

"Not quite, just a bit if your help needed.'' Defeated I nodded and excused myself. I walked the corridors racking my brain for what was 6b.

6b 6b 6b 6b


It was the theatre.


I was 15 minutes late to the theatre aswell. I wasn't a drama student so never had been there . Took the stupid long route finding that there was wet paint and stood in bitter annoyance for about 4 minutes before turning and finding another way there.

Earlier at lunch I told Holly but didn't see Alex all day. I swear if he got himself in jail again I would go at him. And there my mind wanders.

I shook my thoughts back into place walking into the theatre. Did I hear swearing? Peeking through the door I noticed two teachers sitting with disappointed faces and a girl cussing.

"I'm sorry, for not meeting you expectations" She said and I realised she was keeping herself from lashing out at them. I walked in straight and their eyebrows perked seeing me.

I looked back making sure they were so suprised seeing me and no one else. Nope just me.

"Er hi, I was sent here to... help."I qoutes professor.

"Ah, come come. There's a checklist behind the curtains on a table. It's pretty clear what needs to be done."

Hesitant I nodded and walked past he girl who was looking rather proud of herself now.

"Go away Samantha." the teacher in the cat eye glasses said rubbing her temples to the girl.

"My pleasure." She gave a bow and instead of leaving walked backstage behind the thick velvet curtains where I was.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now