The broken pieces of my heart stabbed me.

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"Turn to the glossary and write a more detailed analysis of a cellular rebirth."

I made sure to take notes and actually listen seeing that college was coming to an end this year. And I wanted to try hard.

But in this lesson I was way too sleepy to even remember what a glossary was.

The photo shoot had me squirming all night. And I now was sitting in class with dark circles that my scrappy concealer couldn't hide. I don't know what was wrong with me except that.

It would be so hard to do the job with Alex in the room, distractions were not welcome and I had only just got the job. Well, be thankful I only have to see that God sculpted face only once a week I guess.

"Class heads up! we've got a new student joining us. And this is his first joined schooling after year 6. Being home schooled so please be friendly." Sir drawled on in his monotone voice.

I heard footsteps echo in the science lab and I just focused on my work. I'd didn't care whoever decided to join us even as I felt gazes shift from the textbooks to the person in front.

Head down and completely concentrated I pretended to not hear the gasps and squeals from various girls. Who was this guy. Gandhi?

"You can go sit next to linda, just there." The footsteps came closer to me and on my rights side he sat down. I knew it was a he because damn he smelled nice. Scraping the stool on the floor whilst doing it. He was meant to sit next to linda, why is he next to me.

I snuck a glance up Annoyed at the disturbance I didn't need when exams were closing in, and screamed.
Falling backwards off my chair.
Through the nest of my hair that cast over my eyes my arms struck out and grasped the desk before the chair gave in. My fingertips alas weren't built with suction cups and I fell back slowly and surely.

The chair laid to my right and I was sure I had bruised a hip. People laughed and some asked if I was alright, most just stared at Alex as he grinned and didn't help me up. Yes, Alex.

I sat on my chair and felt a red blush creep up my neck. Perfect.

Once the class settled down I tried to ignore the fact that the prick had to be in this sixth form college.

Well life doesn't always go your way. For me, it never does.

I also tried to ignore the fact that he was put in between me and linda, her being a serious flirt didn't ease the situation. Throughout the lesson I scowled at the Intense flirting.

Oh that's why he quit home schooling. The man slut wanted to pick up girls from here.

Whatever they deserved each other.

"Hey Ris." Alex said.
Then he nudged me.

"My names not Ris" I said back trying to focus. No sleep and Alex were a match to put me off life.

"But your name is Iris and I know for a fact that you asked to be called Ris."

"I wonder why Im against you saying it then  ." I spat back.

He wouldn't shut up, and I had to deal with it for another 15 minutes.

900 seconds.

May God be with me.

Once the bell finally decided to let us out I stuffed all my books in my bag and got out the room as soon as possible. And Holly made her way to join me in the corridor.

"You seen the new kid yet?" She said, Holly she's always up to date with everything. And being her best friend I know how she feels still not knowing any dirt about this 'new kid'

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now