Defeat the hoe

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"Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quite calling you my lover
Move, ugh"

"Why'd you stop singing." I said hushed, already missing his voice. It sent chills up my spine. We were cramped, I was glued to his chest and my arms were resting around his neck as he sang. It was so very cliche hiding in a strange room but it was the only place where Alex felt comfortable singing. I didn't know how he would do it in front of everyone, but he said he's do it for me.

Because he wanted me to be more confident in my own dancing. And I knew how much he meant to me, I would dare so no.

It scared me, how much I needed he presence, smell, touch. I was addicted to it, a prisoner captivated. I only wanted him to feel as strongly as I did. It was nearly 2 months now since we had been going out and a few days till the competition's first round but I think Alex was tired of singing the same song that practically everyone else was doing to. But from him it sounded like magic, he had the magic that I never knew existed. Cheesy right?

"Is this the right song, it's too sad."

"It's just a song." I said but we both knew how much this actually meant to us. We had been practising a lot just to be together, me so I could hear him sing and him because he wanted to see my dance. Music meant alot to both of us. And guess what? The ex player pays guitar. With skill.

"Nevermind, you've already rehearsed already song." I nodded and looked down expecting him to sing again but all he did was hold me. He touched his head with mine and dipped brushing his lips on mine, teasing me with his feel. I wanted to close the gap, so I did. He held me tighter like I belonged to him, I had no restraint. He kissed hard and with passion, I held tighter. He was tellimg me something which I was too scared to think of.

He finally parted but I still needed more.

"Do you know how crazy you drive me Ris?"

I gulped.

"I'm crazy without you, needing you around me, crazy with you because I can't get enough. God, your so beautiful and you just perfect Ris. And I can't hold it all inside."

"And I was thinking it was just me who thought that." I joked butterflies having battles in my stomach. He held my shoulders with a strong gaze which touched me to the bone.

"How do you do it Alex? Why do I need you near me." I squeaked.

"You gave my shit life some meaning, I'm not letting you go so get used to having me near you."

"Do you like me that much."

"Ris, you have no idea."

He brushed his lips against my ear teasingly and I groaned.

"Stop it, You making me feel things." And his face was smug again.

"I die inside more than you possibly could. Thinking about you which I do all the time, just thinking about you makes my mind fuzzy." He said and that's when our little reunion was ruined.

The door burst open the the lights we had turned on someome switched off. I immediately heard a make out session.

"Excuse me?" I said choking on my saliva. We were a few feet apart. I don't think this is comfortable but they haven't even spotted us.

"Why the hell did you have to come here." Alex said looking majorly pissed. But the two shadows still were lip locked. Annoyed I walked over and switched the lights on to gasp and die of Heart failure.

Bad is in, For good (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now