Let me go

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Jae pov
I looked over at Rin as we both stood outside the JYP building and let out a sigh, it's been three months since we were told to leave we missed our one year anniversary since debut last month, which caused rumours to spread that the hiatus wasn't real and we really left JYP which caused us to feel like that's why JYP called us in. We walked in building right to her office and saw a girl in the office and she walked out once we walked in. "Jinyoung" Rin said and he looked surprised. "So I called you guys here cause I assume you've heard the rumours?" He asked and we nodded our heads. "Well your still on hiatus from your groups but I'm willing to give you guys your solo activities back" he said and we both looked at each other in surprise "sure I'll do it" Rin said really fast I didn't know why she didn't want time to think about it? "Jae?" He said and Rin looked over "I didn't have any solo activities" I said and he looked at me confused "your solo debut would go back on track and you would resume your CFs" he said and I nodded remembering I was doing those, "yeah I'll come back" I said and Rin smiled hugging me than quickly got off remembering "Samchon the contract though..." She said and he let out a sigh "ignore it" he said and we walked out of the office "its Official!" Rin laughed and so did I grabbing her hand as we walked down to the practice room.

Hyekyung pov
We all sat in the practice room thinking about our comeback as 7 and 6 it was going to be strange, "it's been three months when do you think they will be back?" Jessy asked and I shrugged my shoulders. I looked over as the door opened and while it opened three knocked were heard and Jessy ran over as Rin popped her head through and Jae followed behind "Rin-ah" Jessy cried hugging her and Rin hugged her back both of them almost in tears. I looked over and watched all the guys run jumping on Jae causing him to fall and I could help but laugh.

It was nice seeing the two of them back and how happy it made everyone but our comeback was all planned out JYP would have told us ahead of time

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It was nice seeing the two of them back and how happy it made everyone but our comeback was all planned out JYP would have told us ahead of time. "I'm so happy you guys are back!" Hyunwoo called out and they both looked at each other and I knew something was up. "We're back at JYP but not Hyde and Harmony" Rin said and we all stopped "JYP offered us back our solo activities but not our group ones yet, mainly because you guys have a comeback coming up shortly don't you?" Jae asked and we nodded. "Well I have my solo coming up so I'll see you on stage" he added lightening up the mood.

Sohee pov
I missed our leader, but hearing her comeback for her solo activities only upset me, cause that meant the one ad I did was probably my last, unless that agency called me back to do it, but I had little hope since they wanted Rin or Bona in the first place. "Unnie what activities do you have coming up?" Hyekyung asked and Rin shrugged, hopefully a solo comeback, or drama like old times, and maybe some CFs here and there, but I really want to focus more on acting and singing" she said and that gave me more hope to do Ads or CFs."ahh Sohee I saw your ad, you looked really pretty, did it sell a lot?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Well we just wanted to stop by and see you all, but we have to go with manager Hyung and manager Lee to sort some stuff out, see you guys later Hwaiting!" Jae called out and they both walked out.

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