Hyde debut

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Girl- RaIn

Dylan pov
We all walked of stage is shock "was Bora is part of Harmony what was JYP thinking?" KH asked but no one replied "Do you think we're going to get a surprise member like they did??" JJ added and we all looked at each other "please don't be Daniel" Hyunwoo pleaded causing us to laugh "if we do than we do, there's nothing we can do about it" Jae sighed and we all continued to walk "did you see Rin's face though? It was a mix of omg Bora!!! And wait wtf is she in our group for she looked like she didn't know wether to be upset or surprised" KH laughed and so did we "ah Jae is it true Hyuk is really a trainee here??" I asked and he let out a sigh nodding his head "Waaa your brother is here!!! What if he gets added to our group?????" Hyunwoo said half excited and I let out a sigh "the last thing I need is to be in a group with Hyuk" he laughed as we all got in the van.

Hyunwoo pov
We walked past the girls practice room seeing JYP talking to the girls looking a little uneasy, "what do you think their talking about?" I asked and JJ started to think "could be anything, could be Bora, could be the debut, maybe an 8th member is gunna come, maybe about the accident that's still in the head lines, who knows" he said and we walked off, I kept my distance from Sohee since she didn't seem to remember me and I didn't know how to get her to remember, it was strange that Rin got all or most of her memories back but Sohee couldn't remember one person? Maybe she was faking it who knows, but if she was I would be confused as to why, but if she's not faking I needed to try getting her to remember.

Jae pov
I walked the halls of JYP waiting to see Rin and get the chance to talk to her and what she wants to do for our subunit, or if she wanted to hang out, "Hey watch where you-" I turned my head to see Rin in another guys arms and she looked surprised "ahh Hyorin Mianhae!" The guy said and quickly bowed, that voice it was so familiar it couldn't be... Within seconds of the talking Daniel joined them and Rin had a look of annoyance. I couldn't make out anything being said. I hid behind a wall as Rin walked in my direction "You mean like the bad image you're  giving Harmony?!" I heard Daniel tell and Rin stopped dead in her tracks and grabbed her phone "bad image?" She whispered than continued to walk.

Hyuk pov
"Yah what is wrong with you?! Are you trying to get yourself kicked out of JYP?! Why would you talk to her like that?!" I yelled shoving him and he looked right at me "no wonder she said you would give my brothers group a bad image look at what you just did!" I yelled again, Daniel took a step towards me and I stood my ground "YAH! Enough!" I turned to the voice and saw Jae standing behind us, "Annyeong Hyu-" "do not call me Hyung just say Jae" he said and Daniel nodded, and I let out a small laugh he respected my brother, but not me or Rin, wow. "What's going on here?" Jae asked and I looked over at Daniel "nothing just two friends having a good time" he smiled and I pushed him off me "ah Jae is it true JYP is looking for a new member for Hyde??" Daniel asked and Jae nodded "yeah and he's right here" he said patting my shoulder and I looked at him my eyes wide, JYP told me it wasn't official yet so how did Jae know "but not until after our debut" he added than walked off leaving me speechless. "You're just another Rin, only getting stuff because of family, she got into JYP and everything because JYP is her uncle, you're only getting this because one of the guys in Hyde is your brother, must be nice to just have shit handed to you huh?" Daniel hissed and walked off.

Key pov
I sat in my room to finish printing the lyrics I wrote for our debut, I found it ironic for our group name to be Hyde, and our debut song to be called Hyde, kind of like boyfriend making a song called boyfriend, I laughed silently to myself as my room door opened "ahh Hyuk" I smiled as the songs started to print "Hyung am I really the 7th member of Hyde??" He asked and I let out a sigh and nodded, "I have no idea what JYP is thinking of adding Bora to the girls group and you to mine and there's rumoured for the girls to be getting an 8th member after their comeback and they are already stressed over Bora so I can only imagine an 8th member, but yeah is that okay with you? It was either you or Daniel and Hyunwoo was completely against Daniel so we chose you, since your also Jae's brother" I smiled and He nodded "so I got in because of Jae being my brother?" He asked and shook my head "no JYP showed us both of your guys audition video, and your image matched more, and Hyunwoo didn't want Daniel and neither did Dylan so we chose you, we didn't find out that you were the brother Jae always talked about till after" I said and he let out a sigh of relief "that's good, Komawo" he bowed and I bowed back as he exited the room.

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