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Seungyeon -Rin

Bora pov
I was so excited! We were finally here at the studio to record for our pepero ad, they aloud Hyekyung to be in the ad since she was the only member now not in, but she just sat their like the rest of the group. Most of the ad was of Rin which was expected but it didn't anger any of us, because we still got to be in the video as a group as well, "Bora I want you beside Rin just for this picture" the director called out and we had our pepero sticks in hand and they took a picture. "Great okay now the ending you guys know the lines right?" The director asked and we nodded "action" I sat on the stool and Rin crouched a little behind me. We said our lines and the ad was over.

Rin pov
I liked being able to finally share spotlight with the girls, I mean I share it everyday on stage but I mean in an add, I really wanted our group to become the new face of JYP, but in order for that to happen we had to be bigger than twice which I knew would be a struggle all on its own. "Okay that's a wrap." The director called out and we all cheered, "Kamsahamnida!" I called out and we all bowed and waved "okay we have two hours until the interview are you guys all ready to have questions thrown at you like crazy?" Manager Lee asked and we nodded our heads "great now everyone in the van it's time to get you guys there and get you all prepared" he said and we all piled into the van.

Jessy pov
I felt weird about this interview, like the timing and everything was off for me, we had a lot of times to be interviewed but they choose a time when Sohee isn't in Harmony activities, when Rin has been getting hate, and Bora just joins, and when we all recorded and pepero ad together, it all just seemed fishy to me and I didn't like it, even though I knew Hyde was going to be there with us, I was just worried.

Hyekyung pov
I was so excited, our first interview today was going great, I got to be in an ad I was never part of originally, and now an interview, it sucked that Sohee wasn't here to enjoy the experience with us, but we had to respect hers and JYPs decision and just hope for the best. "Oppa!" I called out seeing Hyde and they all smiled and waved to us, except for Jae it was like his head was stuck in the clouds which wasn't natural for him.

Raejoon pov
We all walked into the building and were directed right back stage to get ready, I knew it was just an interview a place where we all just sat with cameras, but it being our first interview I was scared, what if I said the wrong thing and made a complete fool of myself, ugh, Seungri would have something to hold over me forever and always pick on me for if I did. We all got ready and walked out and greeted the Interviewer he seemed nice, but he warned us that since it was our first interview he would have a lot of questions for the fans to get to know us more.

Key pov
We all stood off the the side as the Interviewer introduced us and we walked out "we're missing someone aren't we?" He asked and the girls all looked at themselves "ne Sohee-ah" Hyekyung said and he nodded, "well please each of you introduce yourselves "Annyeonghaseyo Were JYPs sweethearts Harmony please take care of us, I'm Rin" "Bora" "Raejoon" "BoNa" "Jessy" "Hyekyung" the girls all introduced themselves "Annyeonghaseyo Were JYPs new boy group Hyde, please support us, I'm Key" "Dylan" "Hyunwoo" "Jae" "KH" "JJ" we all introduced ourselves and the Interviewer stood up "I want to change this, I want to mix Harmony and Hyde, Sit in the order, Key, Rin, Jae, Jessy, Hyunwoo, Hyekyung. Than behind them Bora, Dylan, Raejoon, KH, BoNa and JJ" we all sat in the order and became slightly confused.

Dylan pov
We sat in the order asked and the MC sat back down "okay I want to know do any of you guys have a favourite Harmony member?" He asked and we nodded "who?" "Rin" key said and Jae agreed, "just because we're more close to her" Jae added and the mc nodded "Sohee" Hyunwoo answered "Sohee and Rin" I said "Raejoon, she's like a mother" KH smiled "I like them all" JJ said and we all laughed "and the girls any favourite Hyde members?" "I dont have a favourite, but on Sohee's behalf her favourite is Hyunwoo" Rin said and the girls all nodded "I like them all" Jessy agreed, "Hyunwoo, because I talk to him more" Hyekyung answered "I don't know them that much so I can't pick a favourite" Bora said "none they all annoy me" Raejoon said in a Serious tone causing us to all laugh because we knew we annoyed her the most "Dylan he's protective" BoNa said and the interviewer nodded.

Jae pov
I watched the MC and had no idea what his deal was why would he ask a question like that? "Okay I have a couple questions for Rin" he said and my head snapped over "There are rumours going around that Harmony only debuted because of you being JYPs niece is that true?" He asked and Rin shook her head "no it's not true, we were all scheduled to debut at the same time, the 'competition' was just to help with getting us more known similar like Sixteen did for twice but different" she said and I started to relax a little "okay and do you know why your the face of Harmony and not another member, Sohee is the visual, but why are you the face, BoNa played in dream knight, yet all people know is you, is it because of your uncle?" He asked and I started to get annoyed "my career has nothing to do with JYP being my uncle, I worked hard to get where I am, I auditioned to be an actress originally but he asked Me said to sing and dance as well so I did, he had no idea who I was when I walked through those doors to audition. If I was bad at what I do, he wouldn't have taken me into JYP, family or not" she said and I could tell that in her voice she was getting annoyed.

Hyunwoo pov
I sat there watching the interviewer practically attack Rin with all these rumours going around, and it was disrespectful I could tell everyone thought the same by the reactions he was getting from everyone, it was unbelievable that and interviewer would do this, even if it's probably what the fans want to feed their negativity, but Rin was answering them honestly and to the point which I applauded her for but I knew somewhere soon this was going to end badly, which wouldn't be good.

KH pov
I couldn't believe what the interviewer was asking, I thought this was suppose to be professional but it felt more of like attacking "So I never got to ask where is Sohee?" He asked and Rin went silent "she didn't renew her JYP contract yet, she still has a week, she has a lot going on right now so she's taking a break before he renews it" Raejoon said and he nodded his head "some claim that she was the least known, and that a certain member always made her feel less about herself because she couldn't do a simple ad, or model for a company, and with a new member being promoted she felt like no one cared for her" "OKAY ISN'T THAT ENOUGH QUESTIONS" our eyes went wide as Jae shot up from his seat with anger in his voice I couldn't believe he did that, of all people the one who used to be the quietest of our group exploded.

JJ pov
I was surprised to see Jae explode on the MC like that but I guess it had to be a little expected, the questions were getting out of hand, it was like he only invited us to be on his show so he could just target Rin and get more negative press about her "do you guys care for her?" I looked down seeing Rin wipe her eyes and I knew she was starting to cry "yes we do she's the youngest member of our group, we look out for her, sure at times it may seem like we don't care because of how busy we are, so we don't have the time to talk or hang out like we used to now it's all about our debut and practice being on stage so it's harder, she was close to Rin and Jessy, but than she started to drift away cause Rin was busy with ads, and being featured in songs, and Jessy was just busy. But we do care for her." BoNa said I looked over to the corner of my eye as Manager Lee took Rin out of the interview and behind all the cameras.

BoNa pov
The interview continued without Rin and the normal questions started asking about our positions in the group, and asking us about ourselves, asking how it felt to compete against eachother, and if it effected any friendships, Raejoon was asked about her relationship with Seungri, but none of us really answered fully we didn't even act like we were happy to be here not after what happened, we all played a game where they would play 5seconds of a song and we had to raise our hands guessing the song and group which I can admit was fun but without Rin it was hard since she knew every kpop song out there both old and new.

Rin pov
I watched from the sidelines as the interview continued, Jae kept looking over at me but he looked disappointed, but it seemed like he was more disappointed at himself than anything. I just wanted to leave and get tomorrow to hurry up cause I know ASC will be more happy and welcoming than this interview, and with Jimin JYP nation being an Mc as well as Eric and Kevin it would make me feel more comfortable which I needed.

Sorry for the terrible chapter.....
I don't really know how interviews go, cause I only watch ASC and weekly idol, but I know interviews in the pop industry in North America, you get the odd disrespectful I tried.....

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