After school club

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Asc with Harmony and Hyde
It's hello Venus and Vixx but let's just pretend 👌🏻👌🏻

Rin pov
I was still shaken up from the interview yesterday but I knew ASC wouldn't be anything like that interview and both aired this week so I was a little terrified. "Hey Rin!" Kevin called out and I waved "you grew up in Canada right?" He asked and I nodded my head "is it cold there?" He asked and I let out a small laugh "no only in the winter, the rest of the time it's usually quiet warm" I smiled and so did he "are you okay?" He asked looking at me more and I shook my head "just nervous that's all" I smiled and so did he "Eric!" Jimin called out and I looked over seeing him annoying her as usual.
"Well I'll talk to you all later" Kevin waved and I looked back at the girls.

Jae pov
I walked over to Rin and hugged her from behind causing her to tense up a bit "yah you nervous?" I asked and she shook her head but I knew she was lying, if I was her after yesterday I would be terrified. "Okay hello everyone I'm here with Jimin, and Kevin and we actually have two JYP groups here with us today please welcome Harmony and Hyde!!!" Eric announced as the camera turned to us "Annyeonghaseyo were Harmony" "and we're Hyde" "please take care of us" Rin and Key took turns than the last part was said in unison and we all bowed. It felt weird being in an interview where it was in English and they would translate what they said in Korean, after.

Jessy pov
"Also please send us your questions and requests for these groups to do today, and one winner today will win signed Harmony and Hyde mini albums so tweet us and you could win" Jimin smiled holding up the two albums. "Can you say hello individually starting with Hyde" Kevin asked and we all nodded, "hello I'm Hydes leader Key" "Hey everyone I'm Hydes Visual Jae" "Hey it's Hyunwoo Hydes Main rapper and Youngest member" "Hi everyone I'm JJ Hydes Main dancer and rapper"  "Hello I'm Dylan the face of Hyde"  "Hello I'm KH lead dancer of Hyde" they all introduced "Wow so many of you guys speak English" Kevin said in surprise making us laugh. "Okay and now Harmony" Jimin said and we all held our mics "Hey guys I'm Rin the leader, and face of Harmony Please take care of us" "Hello I'm Raejoon the main dancer of Harmony" "Hey everyone I'm Jessy the main rapper of Harmony" "Hello it's BoNa Harmony's Composer and lead vocals" "Hi everyone I'm Hyekyung Harmony's other Main rapper" "Hello I'm Bora Harmonys latest member and I'm the lead dancer" "ahh and were missing a member today" Jimin pointed out and we nodded " Ne Sohee our youngest member and lead rapper" Rin said and they pointed behind us.

Dylan pov
"Please welcome our studio audience in the back" Eric said and we turned to wave, except for Rin she got out of her chair and waved to each individual monitor and jumped waving like crazy causing us all to laugh. "So this is Harmony and Hydes first time joining us here on ASC how do you guys feel?" "I feel happy I've always wanted to be on ASC when Jimin announced she would be and MC on it I told her Sunbaenim you have to get me on that show when we debut and here we are" Jae said and Jimin laughed "yes I remember that day, it did actually happen, Jae and I were close so he had no shame asking me that" he smiled causing Eric and Kevin to laugh "well your wish came true" Eric smiled

Hyekyung pov
I felt a little nervous being on ASC mainly because of the last interview we did where we were pretty much attacked with questions even though I knew ASC would never do that "who would you say is the goofiest in each group?" Kevin asked and I looked over seeing  everyone point and Rin and Jae which was true, hey both had no shame in what they did. "How so?" Jimin asked with a smile like she already knew "Rin will go outside the JYP building to all the fans that stand out there and she will do the weirdest things like before we debuted or even before we planned to debut, when sistars touch my boys came out she walked outside stood there danced to it and walked back in as if nothing happened" I explained and Rins face went red while everyone laughed I knew she did expect anyone to remember that "Jae he just has no shame if you see his Selcas on Any social media he just can't take a normal group photo or a normal picture of himself, our photoshoots it was rare to see a normal picture of him" they same and Jae nodded in agreement.

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