"Do you want to get changed into your onesie princess?" I asked her softly.

She didn't reply, instead just continuing to stare into my eyes. I couldn't bear it, her face was red and tear stained, her hair was hanging limply, and her eyes were so sad and broken. I couldn't bear the thought of someone her age having to go through all of that. I couldn't even bear the though of someone my age or older having to go through something like that. I knew from that moment on she would be traumatized, and no matter how hard we tried to fix her, there would always be a broken part of her.

"I know this is tough Stephy, I really do. I wish more than anything on this world I could take away all your pain, to make you feel happy and safe again. All of us boys will be here for you forever, we will never leave your side, I promise you. And I know you're hurting right now, but don't shut us out, we're trying to sort this all out as quickly as we can so you can be happy again and we can continue being a family." I told her, meaning every single word.

"Thank you Harry." She said quietly, her voice cracking slightly.

I pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly. She was sniffling and probably trying to hold back her tears, and my heart swelled at the thought of her trying to stay strong. I was so proud of her, and even if she was technically Louis' daughter, in that moment I felt like her father, holding her tightly and keeping her safe from everything.

"Alrighty, you should get changed because I'm getting hungry and I bet Niall will order every single pizza on the menu if he can." I smiled to her, pulling away from our hug.

"Okay." She sniffled, getting up from the bed and rummaging around in her suitcase until she found her dinosaur onesie.

She took in into the bathroom and appeared a minute later wearing it. I smiled cheerily at her, but she just looked down, her face still looking sad and depressed. I put my hand gently on her back and guided her out of the room and towards the kitchen, where I could hear Zayn and Niall arguing over which pizzas to get.

"Found any good pizza places?" I asked as we entered the room.

Their heads snapped up and they both smiled softly when the saw Steph's still tear stained face.

"Paul said we just have to get room service ones." Zayn told us.

"Okay, so which flavours have you gotten?" I questioned.

"We can't decide." Niall said bluntly, sighing slightly.

"What flavour do you want babe?" Zayn asked Steph softly.

Steph looked up to me and I smiled back st her, rubbing her back and nodding to encourage her. She kept her eyes glued on mine and I could see her lip wobble and tears about to spill. I crouched down and rubbed her arm soothingly, being as gentle as possible.

"What do you want on your pizza baby? You can have whatever you want, it's okay." I tried to encourage her, but she shook her head and whimpered quietly.

"It's okay princess, I'll order for you. I love ham and pineapple, that sound good? We can share that one." Niall told her, and she nodded.

Zayn then circled all of the pizzas we would get, and rang room service. When he was off the phone, Liam, Louis and Paul came back into the room, after having their 'chat' in Liam's room.

"I'm heading off, so I'll see you all soon." Paul said, waving as he left the apartment.

"So what's for dinner?" Liam asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Pizza." Niall told him.

"Yum, I'm starving." Liam said.

"How are you baby girl?" Louis asked Steph gently, frowning sympathetically at her.

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