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After everything was over we had a meeting. Both the camps and Gods were present to discuss about Percy.

" It doesn't matter he was gone but the way he went was a problem. " Persephone said.

" Exactly! Vanishing in thin air. That's not a demigod power." Demeter said.

" But he was stronger than demigods now and was almost Gods level. We cannot ignore that." Hermes said.

WHAT? Percy was equal to Gods.

" But why would he do this?" Aphrodite asked

" I have to say something. " Athena said and stood up from her throne. She walked up to Jessica and said " Can you come forward." Jessica walked in the centre of the throne room.

" Lady Hestia wanna say something about this girl? She came and Percy gone and both were connected to you. You sent Percy to bring her. Why?" Athena asked.

" Her parents told me to take care of her and thus I brought her here." Hestia said.

" Who is the parent?" Athena asked.

Hestia didn't say. Athena asked again but she didn't say.

Zeus got angry and said " Hestia tell or else I will have to force you." And he took out his bolt.

Hephaestus landed in front of the girl. " Let her go Athena. "

" Get away from here Hephaestus. " Athena warned.

" Leave the girl Athena " Hephaestus said.

Athena kicked Hephaestus but he was ready for this and so he blocked her and threw Athena on one of the walls. Ares landed behind Hephaestus and kicked him as his guard was down.

Suddenly wind started blowing widly. All the styrs kneeled down and looked at Grover. Grover also kneeled down and started looking right and left as if waiting for something.

But then I noticed. Plants started coming out of the walls. Stems came out of the food where Jessica was standing and then everyone noticed she turned green. Pure green. Green of the nature.

Every styr kneeled down at her leg.

" All hail! Jessica daughter of Lord of wild , Pan " Grover said and all demigods kneeled.

But what happened next was most amazing thing.

All the stems attacked Ares. Ares kept cutting with the sword but soon stems caught him . He started choking as stems caught him by his neck.

Zeus saw this and threw his bolt at the girl but Hestia came at last moment and blocked the attack.

" Hestia get away or else you will also feel my wrath." Zeus said.

" Jessica leave Ares." Hestia said but not in cool peaceful voice,it was cold like Kronos himself.

" Now tell us Hestia what happened to Percy? Or else it will not be good for you. I am already loosing my cool." Poseidon said.

Again Hestia was silent.

" HESTIA!" Hades shouted.

" SHUT UP!" Hestia said and her whole body glowed gold " I THINK WITH TIME YOU ALL FORGET THAT WHY I PREFER PEACE OVER WAR" Hestia shouted in cold voice.

Fear was visible in Every Gods eyes.

Zeus was trembling in fear.

" IF YOU WANNA TEST ME ! GO AHEAD!" Hestia said.

Everyone stepped back.

Hephaestus came forward and touched her shoulder and she calmed down.

" Take Hestia and go!" He told Jessica.

Even Jess was scared but then also she came forward and went outside the throne room.

Hephaestus started clapping.

PERCYJACKSON,BETRAYED AND AMNESIA (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now