"Emily, what's this for?" I look at her shocked as I examine myself. I looked different, but I liked it somehow. It felt...daring.

"Go see Simon!" Emily pushes me out the door.

"L-like this? E-Emily I look like a pornstar!" I protest.

"No, you look chic! Now go!" Em closes the door behind me. I sigh and look at myself again. I actually looked pretty cute in it.

Skipping and humming a tune, I make it to the Fire Dorm. I knock softly and Theresa opens the door.

"Oh, it's you," Theresa just looks at me. There was no death look or anything, but she had a hint of smugness on her face.

"Umm, I'm sorry Theresa. For everything that's happened," I mumble. "Can I see Simon, if he's here?"

"I don't care," Theresa leaves and Simon comes to the door. I smile at him and reach up to kiss him, but he pushes me away.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Isabella, I know what you did. And I don't have feelings for you anymore," Simon tells me with no hesitation.

"Huh?" the first that came to my mind pops out my mouth.

"Good night," Simon shuts the door in my face and stand there for a moment in a daze. He doesn't what?

I don't have feelings for you anymore.

Those words replayed in my mind over and over again, until it finally clicked. He doesn't like me... What?! I came here, I kissed him and I felt something! Did he even feel anything?!

Angered and disappointed, I stomp over to my dorm, only to hear muffled laughter. What's going on? I walk towards the sound and see the back of the water dorm. Sighing after I don't hear anything else, I turn around to walk back home, only to feel myself be lifted in the air and pulled into the pool.

Realizing what just happened, I swim to the surface and breath in fresh air, coughing up pool water. Helena, Rosaline, and Alexander burst into hysterics as I tried to climb out the pool. My hair, which was freshly dyed, was now pink and the highlights were gone. The mascara I had on ran down my cheeks, creating black tear strands.

"You look horrible Izzy. Need any help?" Alexander laughs, coming over to me. I got up, stuck up my middle finger at the three of them and stomped home.

"What happened to you?" Mel asks me when I slam the door.

"Your hair! My masterpiece!" Em looks at me shocked. I burst into tear and more mascara runs down my face, but I don't care.

"Izzy!" Mel and Em rush over to my side as I bury my head in my hands and sob.

"He doesn't like me, I got thrown in a pool, and my eyes are burning!" I cry.

"Come here so I can clean your face. Then you need to get out of those clothes and get you a hot shower," Emily gets me to my feet and walks me to the bathroom.

"I'll get the waffles ready," Mel sighs and heads to the kitchen.


"Due to your simulation destruction, today is a free day. Don't get too stupid," I announce over the PA system to all the dorms and turn it off as the sun starts to rise up into the sky. It was about six am and I was dead tired as I kicked my feet up onto my desk and leaned back in my chair.

"Miss Eclaire, about what the boss said..." a security guard walks up to me. I shoo him off and close my eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Just follow what I say and no one loses their job. You're dismissed," I mumble. I hear the guard leave and I slowly fall into some peaceful sleep.

"You are the ETF. And I am your leader," a man says. I stood on a balcony next to him and he had his hand on my shoulder. I resisted the urge to push it off.

"And you are?" a boy with dark hair and lime green eyes glares back. His aura felt familiar.

"Jarken. I created you six," the man replies smoothly. A girl with blond hair and green eyes looks at me, then at the man.

"Oh really?" the girl asks, highly amused. I think she thought this was some joke.

"Yes, Ulison," Jarken glares at her. He looks at the others. "You're Nada and you're Kira. The two over there are Kiran and Keera. And this here is Rilla."

I wake up with a jolt and wipes the beads of sweat from my forehead. What was that? I look at the clock and it says 6:15. I was only asleep for fifteen minutes? 

Standing up, I head towards the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I see the same sight from before, a girl who looked like me staring back, but she had red eyes. Closing my eyes, I splash water on my face and look back at the mirror to see myself again.

"I must be going crazy..." I sigh as I put on my shades, grab my lemonade, and head out to see how these scientists were going to fix these simulations.

The S.T.F. Files, Book 4: DIATONWhere stories live. Discover now