Trunk Party Part 2

Start from the beginning

"We just wait."

"Then she be your girlfriend?"

"Yup. But you can't tell nobody. This our secret okay?"

She shook her head yes and zipped her lips. I picked her up and we went inside.

"y'all help yourself now. I brought a pan of greens. Got some Mac and Cheese right here. We threw some cornbread in there. Lemon Pepper wings that's Callie favorite. Got some tips. All this courtesy of Bobby Ray's Pig Feet and Waffles. Y'all come on down and eat with us sometime."

"Bobby you just went all out huh?" Aunt Chandra said fixing her a plate.

"It's the least I could do for the fam. I remember they gave me a place to stay when I didn't have nothing. And this how you encourage the kids. Ain't that right cuz?" He grabbed me by my shoulder.

"Right." I gave a half-hearted smile. I wasn't eating nothing he cooked at that roach motel that is Bobby Ray's Chicken and Waffles. No matter how good it looked or smelled. And it was tempting because it looked hella good. But He ain't fooling me. 😷

Everybody started lining up to eat. My Uncle Dan was there. My cousins Chay, Kay and Noonie. Chay was in her early 30s and Kay and Noonie was in there late 20s.

My Mee-Maw had came up. That's my dads mother. My Grandma and Grandpa Parker were here.

My Uncle Durrel and Aunt Tanya.

Aunt Stac of course. Sata and O.

Some folks my mom invited from church.

And my dad, uncle Boobie and Cals had went to pick up some of her family from the airport. Which meant Morgan would be here soon. Fingers crossed this shit works.

"I hungry Miri." Na said.

"Let's go see what Ma got in the kitchen." We went in the kitchen.

"Miri put her down and y'all get something to eat." My mother said, storing some Potatoe salad. "Where is Auggie?"

"I don't know but me and my seed don't want that."

"stop calling her that." My mother eyed me.

"What? she is? Ain't you Na?"

"Ain't I what?" She asked.

"My seed?"

"What that mean?"

"My babygirl?"

"Unh-unh. I'm Auggie's babygirl."

My mother gave a look of annoyance. That would take her a minute to get used to.

"Auggie go get that baby something eat."

"We don't want that."

"Why? That's perfectly good Miri."

"Not if Bobby Ray cooked it. It might be good, but why is it good? Cause it can't be that good he failing health inspections. You want pizza Na?" I picked her up and we looked in the freezer.

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