Detention with Howell.

Começar do início

'Why are we late Lester?' I looked up at the teacher. 'Oh, uhmm... I was talking to Mr.Clark. Sorry sir.' I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. 'All right then.' He sighed, carrying on with the lesson. I am dreading the end of the day. 

* * *

I walked down the now empty school corridor, since I took my time at my locker before going to the detention. I was headed for the detention room, and I heard footsteps behind me. 'Tut, tut, tut. The little angel is going to be late for a detention. Bad boy.' I shot him a glare, before going into the detention room. 

'Oh, Phil? Surprised to see you in detention.' The teacher Miss Harrison looked at me as she picked up some books. 'Dan, I'm not so surprised. Go sit down boys. I won't be in here for the full 30 minuets, so I am trusting you to both behave.' She looked at Dan more than me, before walking out of the classroom. I instantly placed my arms on the desk and my forehead to be resting against them. I sighed as I closed my eyes. 

'Bored all ready? I guess I should do something to make it more interesting huh?' I groaned and lifted my head to turn and look at him. He was sat with one arm leaning on the back of his chair, his body twisted a little with his feet up on the desk. 'Don't even dare do anything.' I looked back at the front. 'How about a game of truth or dare? I'm bored, you are obviously all ready so bored you want to sleep. What could go wrong?' When I looked at him again he was smirking. 

'A lot could go wrong, and I don't trust you funnily enough.' I was already annoyed with him. 'Oh come on Phil. Do 2 truths, and 2 dares each, then we're done. Promise.' He smiled almost genuinely. 'Fine, get on with it then.' I caved in instantly. 

'Truth first.' He announced. 'Hit me.' I turned my chair around to face him and listen to the truth question. 'If I were to change as a person, would you date me?' I felt my cheeks heat up a little. I actually have a tiny crush on him. Maybe a bit more than tiny. 

'No.' I lied to him, because I'm not telling the truth. 'Be my friend?' He asked again pushing on to see what best answer he could get. 'Maybe.' I looked away from him. 

'Okay, dare. I dare you to write on the wall with a marker something you wouldn't say to a teacher.' He smirked at me. 'NO!' I realised I shouted too loud and I covered my mouth with my hand. 'Okay, okay, fine. I dare you to...hug me.' He held his arms out towards me. 

'I wouldn't touch you even with a 10ft long pole.' He smirked at me. 'That is one long pole. But do you wanna know what else is long?' He looked down with his eyes quickly then back at me. I rolled my eyes at his cheesy sexual joke. 'So funny I forgot to laugh.' I sighed and stood up, just as he did. I walked over to him then scrunched my face up in disgust. I really don't want to touch him. I can smell a very faint odour of cigarettes. At the same time I want to wrap my arms around him and not let go, despite the fact he has a trace of cigarettes noticeable on him.

'You smoke?' I asked him, and he shrugged. Before I could do anything he just pulled me into a hug.I acted as If he were a disease and squirmed out of his arms to go off and sit back down. It wasn't that bad... I now wish I could hug him again. He was warm and it felt like an almost friendly hug... but he isn't friendly. 'I need to bleach my body now. Eww.' I over reacted a little. Okay maybe a lot.

He rolled his eyes at me. 'Truth number two, if I were to ask you out right now, would you say yes or no?'


'Eww, you have a disease.' I agreed, that for me to say that it was horrible. 'I'll take that as a maybe.' He winked at me. 'You know what I don't care if I have a dare left. Your turn.' Before he could give a reply I started. 'Truth first, why are you such an ass?' It slipped out, kind of. I never meant to ask it, it just came out my mouth like word vomit. 

'Oh, good boy said a bad word.' I wanted to slap the smirk off his face,but at the same time I wanted to ki- 

No you don't stop it.

'Just answer the stupid question.' I replied, tired of him being sarcastic and annoying.  'I don't know to be honest. But no one really likes me, so I don't see why they care what I do.' He just simply shrugged, going back to his position of feet on the desk and leaning back.

'What do you mean no one likes you? You're parent's must like you right? They are your parents.' He just chuckled bluntly, and shook his head a little. 'You really are just innocent aren't you? That's cute. I wish I was like you, but I'm not. I'm everything you hate. I'm everything my parents hate. I'm everything I hate.' He took his feet from the desk once again and stood up , pulling his black shirt up over his stomach, to show bruises dotted all over. He then let it drop back down and h sat back in his seat, resuming the feet up position once again. 

"I would love to say that, that's it... but really it's not." He just shrugged it off like there was nothing wrong. 'You're parents... did- did that?' He nodded slowly, almost ashamed of himself. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest looking at him like this. 'I'm sorry.'

'It's not your fault.' I didn't know what to do, so instead I decided to try and be a little nicer to him. 'Dan?' He looked up at me. 'Can I have a hug?' I smiled a little and he just smiled back. 'I thought I had a disease?' He sarcastically stated. I got up and walked over to him pushing his feet down off the desk and pulling him up to wrap my arms around him. 

'I didn't actually mean that. It was an over reaction. I actually don't hate you Dan.' I was going to sound so cliche I could almost cry. 'Well I don't hate you either. I don't even dislike you in the slightest. I like you.' He paused for a second. 'I have for a while, I just had no idea how to say it.' I smiled, and buried my face into his chest. 'I like you too Dan. I was told to not like you because you're a bad influence. You're not.' I thought to myself for a second, contemplating on weather to say my thoughts or not. 

'I think you are just a little bit lost. You aren't a horrible person that is mean because they find it funny, or mean for the hell of it. I don't think you really realise it.' I sighed lightly. 'Maybe it's the things that are happening at home, controlling your emotions a little bit.' I shrugged slightly.

'I don't have any friends Phil... it's not like I have anyone to talk to. Just so I can get any anger out. The only thing I had was you in a sense.  You are so adorable that I have to smile whenever I see you.' That is adorable. 

I backed out of the hug, but my arms were still around him. 'Well, if you have no on to talk to... my parents aren't home tonight. You can come and chat with me about things? It's the least I can do?' I offered. He stared down at the floor before nodding. 'Okay.' He looked me in the eyes as he gave me his answer. 

I smiled before quickly kissing his cheek. I then completely walked back out of the hug, and walked back to my desk, turning the chair and sitting down in my seat. The teacher then walked in again. 'All right boys, You can go.' She didn't look up at us as she walked across the room holding a stack of books. 

I jumped up and I looked at Dan. He never even sat down. I chuckled quietly and walked over to him taking his hand and walking him out of the classroom. I started to walk down the street, taking him back to my house. 'Phil?' I turned to look at Dan. 'Yeah?'

'Thank you.' I tilted my head in confusion, looking at him. 'For what?' We were still walking, so I looked ahead and kept glancing at him. 'For everything I guess. You're an amazing person, don't let anyone change that.' I smiled and looked at him again properly. 'Thanks Dan, you really aren't that bad yourself.' He smiled at me, his dimples visible just like every time he smiles.

He is actually really cute. He isn't that bad of a person like I thought he was in the beginning. 

Phan OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora