Detention with Howell.

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Word count: 2283

Trigger warning: none really... mentions of abuse? Like really mild. 

A/N: idek. This is probs rubbish. xD

Phil's POV

I have never had a detention before.

I have good grades that are mostly B's and A's. I have never really taken a step out of line, never been mean to anyone. I am not a bad person in any aspect. I am always kind and polite to people, and I try to cheer them up if they are down.

That being said, getting a detention was a shock to me. For Dan Howell, not so much. He is pretty much the complete opposite to me. He is rude, mean and always ends up with detentions.Get's mostly F's and D's if he even tries. He has taken steps way over the line that got him into so much trouble, that I am not allowed to be partnered with him in classes or sat within the space of 2 desks. My parents despise him, some teachers are almost scared of him... and I just dislike him to a degree.

The one thing that is good about him is his looks. He is everything I want, but at the same time I don't. He has caramel tan skin, and chestnut brown hair, that is almost the same cut as mine but the fringe goes to the left. Sometimes his hair is curly, and I love it... but I would never admit that to anyone. His eyes are a chocolate brown with flecks of gold, and he has dimples when he smiles or laughs. He usually wears black, which looks good on him. Not that I would ever admit that.

So, how did I get the detention? I was just sat there, listening to the teacher... when Dan started calling out my name. Quietly, and sneakily so that the teacher didn't hear. I tried my best to ignore him, but it just wasn't happening. 

I turned to look at him. "Would you just cut it out please?" I  mouthed it instead of talking. That is when the teacher spotted me. 'Talking to another student while I'm talking are we Lester?' I span back around in my seat to look at him. 'What? No sir.' 

'Are you talking back?' I felt a lump form in my throat. 'That's a detention right there sir.' Dan cheekily stated. 'Yes it is Daniel. Good observation. That's a detention Lester. Howell can join you as well for that.' He gave a sarcastic smile to Dan, who when I looked at him gave one back. Just to make matters worse he then looked at me, his smile dropping to a smirk as he winked at me, then bit his lip. 

I threw him a glare, turning to look back at the front. Stupid pretty boy, he knew what he was doing. I am openly gay, so the fact that he knows just makes everything worse. He teases me about it a lot. 

When the bell went I couldn't be happier to get out of the room. 'Don't forget Lester, Howell, detention after school. I better see you boys here or it's a 1 hour after school tomorrow instead of just 30 minuets. Clear?' I nodded as I walked out. 'Crystal.' Dan muttered under his breath as he left the classroom. 

'Can't wait for school to end. It's going to be so much fun.' Dan had caught up with me to whisper that into my ear. I felt his warm breath on my ear, which mad me shiver. 'Get lost.... please.'

Stop being so nice to everyone. Jesus phil. Just tell him without apologising after.

'Awww, you're so innocent. It's adorable. It really is.' I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I closed my eyes for a few seconds longer than normal. 'Stop. Just go to class and leave me alone. You've done enough already Howell.' 

'That's not my name hunny. That's my last name, try using my first.' I looked him dead in the eyes. 'I don't want to refer to you how you want me to. We aren't friends, nor are we even  in a good place with each other. I'm not supposed to be near you so get out of my personal space.' I picked up my pace, walking down the corridor, and fast walking into the classroom racing to my seat. 

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