The announcer began to explain the rules, it was simply -Akira had predicted- a big game of hide and seek where nobody was 'it'. All Akira had to do was land one hit on another player to get a point. It all seemed relatively normal until clones of each person appeared surrounding them and they lose points for attaching the copies, however Akira looked completely calm on the screen.

You decided you would focus on Akira's screen, but suddenly she was gone. You couldn't see her. Akio almost looked relieved while Riko and Maria held satisfied smirks on their faces.

"Of course she always wins at hide and seek if she can turn invisible," Marie nodded proudly as if Akira was her only little sister. "And mixed with a bit of her brothers magic she becomes far to quick, agile and strong for someone of her age."

You smiled to yourself in relieve, knowing that the guilds cinnamon roll was going to be okay.

Meanwhile Fairy Tail were already a total of three points behind, Raven Tail one up and Akira was still not found by the rest of the guilds.

It wasn't long until it had started snowing due to Eve from blue Pegasus' magic and Akira had still not made a move, but either had Rufus.

"What is she doing?" Akio asked nervously,

"Relax," you sighed,

"She'll be fine," Riko put her hand on his shoulder.

You continued to watch, looking out for any signs of the little girl.

Meanwhile, Akira had found a target.

"Poison god slayers roar!" The little voice shouted hitting the back of the mermaid heals candidate. Also causing a sigh of relief from your team.

She became visible just to verify this was her doing and your guild had gone up one point.

"Found you~" she hummed as she then got Eve from Blue Pegasus.

You could of sworn Akio was crying with proudness. You were now up 2 points.

Akira was on a roll, she then got 5 other contestants, putting your team at 6 points, leaving everyone in awe,

Then some unexpected happened.

"Hikari-Nii, I think we've found her~," a childish voice sung.

"We can see you~," the female version of her grey haired twin spoke.

Akira jumped, she couldn't tell if they were bluffing or not.

"Kurai-nee, aren't we the best at hide and seek~" it was more of a statement then a question, it still sent shivers down the young girls's spine.

"Of course! Now enough talking, come out from where your hiding it's time you met your match~" Hikari grinned evilly.

Akira couldn't move, she didn't know if that was her magic, or if it was out of fear. It only took one kick from both the twins simultaneously to make Akira cry and it was visible for the whole world to see. Your team were to 5, the two kicks from the twins was a loss of 2 points.

It was good enough to say Akio was fuming.

"I know she's little but-," Riko was confused, it didn't seem like the type of thing to make Akira cry.

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