[2] Acceptance - Waking Up In Another World 2 - LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 2: Hello Yourself

‘Fred, can I have some of that night vision?’ – I asked, and my sight improved.

We were surrounded, by 1000 horses.

Aragorn looked around, trying to (I would guess) spot the leader.

A man (again I am presuming) jumped down from a creamy, brown horse, that had a beautiful golden mane.

He was wearing a helmet that covered most of his face, and it was decorated with a huge red feather.

“Well. This is a little bit of an odd bunch. Two elves, a dwarf, two men, and two girls. Aren’t you out past your bedtime?” – he asked, and the people on the horses laughed.

I was very surprised when Legolas walked forward and socked (punched) him in the nose.

The bone gave a sickening ‘pop’ sound, and the young man reeled back, clutching his nose.

“You hit me!” – he sounded shocked.

“No shit Sherlock!” – I told him sarcastically, as he tried to stem the flow from his nose.

“Look we are just passing through.” – Aragorn told him, trying to be diplomatic.

The man reached up and took off his helmet. I didn’t like him almost at once. He had an air of snide ness to him, and his blondie-brown hair was fluffed so that it looked messy, but it wasn’t. His clear blue eyes gave him a childlike appearance. But I wasn’t fooled. I have lived with Aqi to long.

He finally stemmed the flow on his nose by pinching it shut, “We haven’t been introduced. My name is Eomer, of Rohan. Hello.”

“Hello yourself,” – I snapped irritably. “Let us through.”

He squinted at me, looking annoyed that I wasn’t on the ground kissing his boots. Well believe you me, I don’t kiss boots.

“Why?” – he asked, sticking his face right by mine.

“Because if you don’t I will disembowel you, and then use your guts to lead that horse!” – I told him. And I meant it. One good thing about being in Middle Earth, was that I had learned to threaten people, well.

Eomer wouldn’t back down though. “I don’t think that I will let you past!” – he snarled.

I whipped my sword up and carved, ‘R’ – onto the front of his armor.

He whipped out his sword though, and parried my next blow before I could write, ‘A’ .

Boromir smashed his sword into Eomer’s sword, sending him spinning, while I member of Eomer’s group dismounted, pulling there sword from it’s sheath.

Zena stepped forward and blinked her big brown eyes.

“Please let us through? Our friends have been kidnapped by the evil orc things. We need to rescue them, because they must be very scared!”

I just about puked, and I really did choke on the bile that was rising in my throat.

This is the girl that can fire off 50 shots a minute on her bow, and chop an Orc’s head off with no problem? And here she is giving Bambi eyes, and the ‘blink’ routine to a blonde who obviously thinks that he is king of the world.

It made me sick.

It worked though, Eomer stepped back, looking guilty, and sheathed his weapon before motioning to the soldier behind him to do the same.

He tossed his hair over one shoulder, and whistled. Five horses walked forward out of the crowd.

“Take these.” – he told us, handing us the reins. “But be warned, Théoden the King of Rohan can no longer tell what he wants, or who is his ally. This-“ – he gestured to the ground of men around him, “Is the last of the able bodied Rohanians.”

I looked at him in (semi-) interest. This must be the adopted son of Théoden, the king of Rohan.

Boromir would not like him, because the people of Rohan, do not like the people of Gondor. I don’t know why.

I looked over at him, and his teeth were clenched in anger.

His fists were clenched like he wanted to sock Eomer to, and believe you, I knew the feeling.

I reached over and touched his arm, in a sort of ‘calm down’ gesture.

His teeth relaxed, and so did his fists, but he looked far from ‘relaxed’.

I snatched the reins from Aragorn for a beautiful black horse.

Eomer snatched them back, “You need to learn your place women!” – he told me, “Your master shall pick the horse!”

My master! That S.O.B!

I reached up and grabbed him by the tunic, hauling him onto the ground.

My ears were ringing, and Fred screamed, ‘Attack!’

“Look shit-head, no-one is my master!” – I snarled while Boromir tried to disentangle my hands from his tunic.

“We are all equals, working together. If anything, I tell him-“- at this point I jerked my middle finger at Aragorn, “What to do!”

Then I dropped Eomer on the ground. He landed in a heap, panting for breath, while Boromir pulled me back.

“Was it the voice?” – he asked quietly.

“No.” – I answered, chest heaving for breath, “That was just my regular personality!”

Boromir and Fred chuckled.

“Oh, and the voice is no longer ‘voice’ – it’s name is Fred.” – I explained to him.

His eyes widened, “Your joking!”

My eyes narrowed, “Why would I joke?”

He rolled his eyes, “Because it would be a monumental moment in history if you did. No, because ‘voice’” – he pointed to his head, “Is insisting that I call it ‘Joe’.”

I snorted, and Fred said hurt, ‘Hey! What is the matter with Joe?’

Then I had an idea, ‘Can you talk to Joe?’ – I asked Fred.

I could see Fred shrug it’s shoulders, ‘Ya, so?’

Acceptance - Waking Up In Another World 2 - LOTR FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now