Reginae helped me put the kids to bed. Neal had passed out watching TV. Fallon used every excuse possible to get up out of bed a million times. Reginae rocked Maliyah to sleep as we sat downstairs taking. "So today was interesting wasn't it." I looked up at her. "Yeah I wasn't expecting all of that." Reginae shrugged, "always expect the unexpected with dad." I laughed. "Right." She asked me questions abut the wedding and I let her know what we had decided. She was excited. "I can't wait, ugh why can't ya'll get married sooner." I shrugged, "Schedules, Fallon being gone." Reginae rolled her eyes. "Mostly dads schedule." I nodded. "Yeah but Fallon has a lot to do with it too." she made a face at me. "If you say so." I grinned at her and she looked down seeing Maliyah had fallen asleep. "Are you nervous about marrying dad." I looked up at her and sighed. "I love your dad Reg." She looked at me, "not what I asked." I bit my lip looking at her. "Yeah I mean I worry about marrying your dad but I worry about just dating your dad. In the back on my head sometimes I think when he gets bored he will find someone else. I don't have a doubt in my head that your dad loves me. I love him and I trust him. If things end bad with him I will never regret being with him." Reginae nodded at me. "I think ya'll were meant to be, I mean how else would he have ever found you." I grinned at her. "Family is very important to your dad and I'm so honored to be able to part of it." Reginae stood up placing Maliyah in her bassinet. She walked up to me leaning down hugging me. "No matter how mad dad makes you, I know he loves you, he is just on a different wave length than everyone else on the planet." I laughed at her as she stood up. "Cause he is not a human being." Reginae started laughing. "Part 2."

The next day Nivea came and picked up Neal around lunch. Wayne had called that morning and talked to everyone. Maliyah even cooed on the phone with him a little bit. Reginae wanted to go shopping so I agreed calling Ms. Rosa to watch Maliyah for me. We had decided to let Fallon come with us. Fallon refused to hold my hand when we went to the mall only letting Reginae hold it. I rolled my eyes. "Ugh I'll remember that." Reginae laughed at me. "You jealous." I grinned at her. "Maybe a little." We had been to almost every store in the whole place when we decided to get a pretzel and a drink. After I paid and we started walking I heard somebody start yelling. "Omg Reginae!" Reginae turned around groaning. "No she didn't" I looked up seeing Dhea come running up to Reginae hugging her. I could tell Reginae was uncomfortable and she looked up at me like what the fuck do I do." I was shocked and I know was standing there with my mouth wide open. It was actually Fallon who pushed her off Reginae. "My Nae Nae." Dhea looked at Fallon then up at me. I gave her a look daring her to say something to me. Her eyes looked me up and down before she turned her attention back to Reginae. "I haven't seen you in forever." Reginae shook her head not saying anything to her. I sighed. "Well nice seeing you we really need to go." Reginae grabbed my arm holding on to me as I started walking off. "Nae I thought we were friends." Reginae turned around looking at her. "Dhea your embarrassing yourself really leave my dad alone, he is happy now, get over it." Dhea's mouth fell open and before she could say anything else I tugged on Reginae and we went to the car.

"That bitch is pathetic, I mean I did like her and I even convinced Dad to get back with her once, but she is crazy. I mean she would always try to be my best friend, I'm like look your cool but your my dad's girl not my bff." I looked over at her. "O so I'm not your BFF." Reginae cut her eyes at me. "Your about to be my step mom so technically I hate you." I laughed at her. "OK, I'll be remember that." Reginae laughed, "This whole step mom thing can be easy or it can be hard." I looked over at her like really and she busted out laughing. Bye the time we made it home Fallon was knocked out and I was ready for a nap too. Ms. Rosa had cooked dinner for us and I told her she shouldn't' have but you couldn't't tell her anything. She was hardheaded and stubborn.

I tried calling Wayne but his phone went straight to voice mail, I didn't' even bother leaving a message just hung up. I knew he had meetings all morning then the party that night. Wasn't' too hot about him and the party but that was just party of him I was still getting used too. Reginae and I stayed up late that night watching TV both passing out on the couch. The ringing of my phone woke me up around 4am. I sighed answering it. "Really your just now getting to your room." I stretched out sore from sleeping on the couch. "Baby really I just got off the jet, I'm in New Orleans now." I rolled my eyes, "I forgot, I forgot." Wayne sighed. "I'm fucking tired , have to be at the damn event at 9." I rolled my eyes. "Didn't you sleep on the plane?" Wayne yawned. "Fuck no, left my pillows at home." I laughed at him. "You have problems baby, get some rest, just call me tomorrow when you can." I stood up heading to the bedroom. "I love you baby." Wayne yawned again making me yawn too. "Love you , know you go take your ass to sleep."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now