Chapter Twenty-Eight - Awake

Start from the beginning

         I disconnected and ran up the stairs, everything seeming suddenly surreal to me. Could this really be happening? After all this time?

         First I dialled my dad’s phone number, which of course went to voicemail. I left him an excited message, and then called Addison, who did pick up.

         “Hello?” her voice on the other end asked. She seemed slightly breathless, as if she had run to the phone.

         “Addie, it’s me. I’ve got some good news.”

         “What’s up?”

         “Mom’s going into surgery! They found a heart donor!”

         The next five minutes consisted of unintelligible screaming and random words strung together to form an incoherent sentence as she ran around, promising to be there within the hour.

         I clicked off and grabbed my jacket, all but running to my car in my haste to reach my mom.

         I took a deep breath and peeled out of the driveway, using the car to dial Annie’s number.

         “Cole?” she asked on the second ring, a worried tone in her voice. “What’s up?”

         “It’s mom,” I replied, tightening my grip on the steering wheel as I turned onto the highway. “They found a donor!”

         “Oh, my gosh, Cole that’s amazing!” she squealed. “Are you at the hospital?”

         “I’m about five minutes away,” I told her, flicking on a blinker and peeling into the fast lane towards the exit.

         “Gimme ten minutes to get ready and I’ll be there. I’ll call Grace and Matt, too.”

         A huge grin fell onto my face. I knew it would still be rough-going, and there was still quite a way still to go for us, but finally there was hope for my mom, which I had been seriously losing in the last year.

         I rounded into the carpark and basically fell out of the car, running to the entry and into the waiting-room.

         “Hey, Cole!” the receptionist—whom I knew as Fiona—smiled at me and waved me forward. “I heard about your mom. Congratulations!”

         “Thanks, Fi!” I called over my shoulder as I continued to sprint towards the main waiting-room where I could meet Dr Burnes.

         I reached the entry and almost collided with him. He wore a doctor’s coat, and his salt-and-pepper hair was slicked back, his thick black-rimmed glasses hanging onto his nose, slightly askew.

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