"Please Tyler" she said whilst crying and falling to the floor.

God damn this girl and her good heart.

"Get her inside" I said looking at Jacob.

"But ty-" he started but I cut him off.

"I said get her inside" I glared at him and he nodded.

He unlocked the door and let her come inside.

"P-please they're t-trying to k-kill me" she cried.

"Amy take her upstairs boys get you're guns. Aiden and Aaron go keep an eye on the cameras and find out who's coming towards the house." I said and pulled my gun out from my ankle holder.

Amy got up and took the girls hand taking her towards the door to go to her room. She stopped a turned before she left.

"Thank you Tyler" she said whilst tears still streamed down her face.

I nodded to her and said we can talk later and to just get her upstairs in her room. Amy nodded and left.

"Let's move it boys." I said and me and the rest of the boys left through the back doors with ear pieces on and our guns in hand.

I hid behind the mountain of dirt from our Motorcross course and looked over it to see two men running towards the house.

"Has anyone got a shot?" I asked into my mic.

"Negative" I heard all of them say.

"I've got a clear shot now. Should I take it?" I heard Daniel say. Seeing as he was one of our best shooters I gave him the go ahead.

Next thing I know there's a dead body on our training field.

"Get the other one before he gets away!" I said quickly and I heard multiple shots being fired. After around 4 minutes of us shooting and the guy shooting back he was finally dead.

"Go check for a pulse and make sure he's dead." I said and Marco said okay. Once we were certain both the guys were dead I called all the boys to meet me in the field.

" is anyone hurt?" I asked whilst holding my shoulder.

"Yeah" Diego and Jacob replied

"Okay Jake call your mum and let her know what happened. Marco, Aiden, Daniel, Aaron and Mikey bury them in the Forrest" I said and we all went our ways.

Amy's POV

I grabbed the girls hand and took her to leave the room but before I did I turned to Tyler and said thank you again.

After I left the kitchen area with the brunette girl by my side I led her up the stairs. She was still shaking and kept turning back to see if we were being followed. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs for the third floor and looked at her.

"I promise that they will get them okay? I trust Tyler with my life and I know that he won't let anyone hurt any of us. Just relax okay?" I said and she nodded and eventually stopped shaking.

As we got outside my room we heard multiple gun shots. The girl jumped and I told her to stay down and stay quiet. I walked into my room slowly and went towards the door. I could see where all of the guys were.

Kidnapped and running with the bad boys Where stories live. Discover now