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Café Capricorn – Baker Street, London

Jessica and Atlin sat around their table in the Parisian inspired restaurant they had picked for their third proper date. Atlin was still in the sparkly black dress that she had shown off at Quinn's, whilst Jessica sat opposite her in a royal blue dress. The two of them had enjoyed their evening so far although that was likely due to the drinks flowing faster and faster as the night progressed.

"This is an awfully nice place for a waitress to afford; no offence. I hope you don't expect me to let you pay for this by yourself." Atlin slurred after one too many cocktails.

The slightly more sober Jessica replied. "No offence taken. And don't worry about it, I had some cash stored away for a special occasion and figured tonight would be as good a time as any to use it."

Atlin was still a bit put off that she was expected to let Jessica pay for her meal but on her own wages, she wasn't going to be one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Conversation continued to run late into the evening as the two women enjoyed each other's company. Atlin was worried her body language would show too much of her nerves as this was her first time that she'd properly been with a woman, whereas Jessica seemed so natural and elegant in every movement, as if she'd done this a million times before.

The night began to draw to a close as the women had moved from the main restaurant area over to the bar. "Do you fancy getting out of here? I think we're both a bit too tipsy to be driving and there's a hotel not too far from here?" Jessica proposed.

Atlin's heart was doing flips, and the butterflies in her stomach were on acid but she managed to stutter out a reply that suggested that she was happy to go off with Jessica. They ordered their final drinks before Jessica excused herself to quickly make a phone call. The cold air of the night was biting against her legs but she put up with it knowing that it wouldn't be too long before she could settle down in the warm for the night.

"It's Jessica. Let Mr Canterbury know that she'll be dealt with tonight. Expect me in the office on Monday for a debriefing. If Koba wishes to make a move now would be a good time."

"Understood. Good luck Miss Kim."

Jessica hung up and put the phone back into her purse alongside a small switchblade. Atlin popped her head outside the door to the restaurant as Jessica zipped the purse back up.

"C'mon slow coach, there's a drink with your name on it at the bar. You can at least let me buy that." Atlin cheerily said, unaware of what Jessica had planned for the end of their evening.

Hotels R Us - Stratford, London

The lobby to the Hotels R Us that Jessica and Atlin were planning to stay in was of a slightly lower quality than what the Grand Stanton had been like the night before. Neither pair really seemed to mind as it was only chosen due to its locality to the Café Capricorn and the most important thing to both of them was that they were together.

After booking their room, they rushed to the elevator, both taking off their heels to ease their feet. Jessica was still the more relaxed of the two, casually leaning against the side of the metal box, her heels delicately balancing on the end of her fingertips. Atlin instead stood quite awkwardly in the centre of the elevator, clutching her heels under one arm, unsure of whether she should do or say anything, hoping that once they were in the room she'd feel a bit more relaxed.

The ding of the elevator went off and the doors opened signalling that they had arrived on their floor. Atlin shuffled slightly ahead as she had the key to the room whilst Jessica sauntered at a slower rate, checking her purse and ensuring the switchblade was close at hand. It had been a while since she'd been forced to use it and she honestly felt rather guilty that she'd have to use it on someone she had genuinely grown close to. Still, a job was a job and after everything that QT had done for her, she wasn't going to be one to question orders.

Jessica entered the room, shutting the door behind them but not before placing a 'Do not disturb' sign on the handle. Having a maid walk in unexpectedly would certainly be a little awkward.

Continued in Part 13

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