Ep.5: The Killswitch (No.13)

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Written by Danny Richards

Produced by Corey Smith, Matthew Anderson, Luca Limoncelli and Joanna Holland

Edited by Corey Smith, Matthew Anderson and Luca Limoncelli

Created and developed by Danny Richards   

The Grand Stanton Hotel - Park Lane, London

The Grand Stanton Hotel was one of the finest in all of London, if not the world. Located on the luxurious Park Lane, with its grand interiors and elegant furnishings, the hotel could be considered the height of glamour and sophistication. Where the rich would wine and dine whilst the less well-off could merely wonder at the marvels that occurred past the large glass doors.

Mark Lyneham felt severely out of place as he nodded at the old doorman who stood outside of the hotel looking disapprovingly at him. The doorman's outfit of a navy coat and small top hat put Mark's own T-shirt and jeans to shame. To be fair, Mark hadn't really been expecting to spend the night in The Grand Stanton when he had gone out for a drink earlier in the evening. Having recently just broken up with his girlfriend, he hadn't really been in the mood to go out much at all so tonight had easily gone better than expected. As he was whisked across the lobby, over to the elevator, his companion holding his hand as her long vermillion dress flowed elegantly around her, Mark couldn't help but feel he should pinch himself. This woman wasn't the sort you would usually find in a cramped bar on a Thursday evening. She had instantly stood out to Mark. Between the hustle and bustle of the locals, this woman had sat sombrely in one of the corners, sipping on some sort of fancy cocktail. She wasn't what Mark would usually consider to be his type. Only being in his early 20s, he estimated that she was likely in her late-30s, not that that was a bad thing. Her shoulder length blonde hair almost the polar opposite to his ex-girlfriends dark pixie cut.

They charged into the elevator, unable to keep their hands from exploring each other's bodies. Mark didn't really have any idea what he was doing but just went with it. He had got this far so he can't have done too badly. They pulled apart from their embrace to take a moment to look at the other. They both began to giggle like school children, seeming equally overwhelmed at how fast the night had moved.

"I'm Debbie. I just realised I hadn't told you my name and figured that'd be a good place to carry on from." She began to chuckle again, her snow white teeth showing when she did. Mark was still pretty dumbfounded and began to stutter.


"Mark. Don't worry you already told me at the bar." They both continued their laughing, blissfully unaware of the man in the corner of the elevator who had been observing them the whole time. As the ding of the elevator went off to signal its arrival at the requested floor, the man in the back barged between the couple as he stepped out first.

"Oi! Watch out geezer!" Mark slurred after the man had left.

He really couldn't have cared that much, but his inner macho man wanted to show off to Debbie. As they stumbled down the corridor to Debbie's hotel room, all of Mark's worries washed away. He looked at her beautiful figure as she sauntered ahead of him and felt proud. Not only had he gone out tonight but he'd ended up pulling a true beauty. She unlocked her door with one of those fancy key cards that you found in the posh hotels and led him into the room. Collapsing onto the bed, they both continued to explore one another, erotically moaning as they did so.

Debbie pulled herself up into a kneeling position and Mark followed. She placed her long fingers on his T-shirt, noticing how wet it was.

"Someone's a little sweaty." She chuckled. "Bit nervous?"

Mark didn't respond, only staring straight back at her, his face panic-stricken. Debbie ignored his expression and lifted his shirt over his head revealing a thin, crimson line from just below his neck to his waist that still looked fresh. She pulled away in shock, dropping the shirt to the ground. It was then that Mark's chest was torn open by an unseen force, the interior on full show to Debbie who remained kneeled, too petrified to move as his blood dripped down her body. She could see his lips move as if he was trying to say something but he couldn't before slumping off the side of the bed onto the meticulous carpet. The room remained in silence until Debbie finally let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Continued in Part 2  

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