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Jack Canterbury's office, Quantum Technology London HQ – Canary Wharf, London

The traffic was bedlam even over in East London outside the QT headquarters due to the events currently transpiring in Trafalgar Square. Jack could only sigh as he saw the coverage on the news, however his concern wasn't the potential for loss of life or damage to landmarks – in fact, those would probably only help his case regarding the risk posthumans posed presuming one of them had created this uproar – his real concern was how this was going to affect today's operations.

Dominic burst through the glass doors rather unceremoniously to speak to Jack. "I've just got off the phone with the driver. He's parked just around the corner from Trafalgar Square, not stuck in traffic but equally he's not going anywhere until it clears."

"At least that's something. We need to get him out of there soon though. The cargo is too valuable to just be sitting down some alley."

"Agreed." Dominic replied as he too moved over to the window, now standing next to Jack as they observed the crawling traffic on the streets below. "I wanted to let you know, news about Maria and her knowledge of operations has begun to reach certain people; notably Koba."

"Is that right?"

"Koba has requested a meeting to discuss recent events. He doesn't seem too pleased about Maria's introduction into the enterprise without prior consolation from some of the others."

Jack hated the way that the others had become aware of Maria, let alone that they were questioning his decisions now too. "Let him be unhappy. I'm not going to arrange a meeting just because he's concerning himself where he doesn't belong. Maria's involvement does not change anything."

"And what about the Purple Vice?"

Jack turned to his friend, his face twisted into a terrifying scowl. "I said, Maria's involvement does not change anything."

"Understood." Dominic replied as he pushed his horn-rimmed glasses back up his face.

A knock on the glass door cleared the tension for a moment as Damien Canterbury entered the room. "Damien?" Jack said. "I thought you had a lunch with the Caverly's to attend?"

Damien wore a beaming smile as he spoke. "Lunch is now dinner. The Caverly's contacted me just now and informed me that because of the events in Trafalgar Square they've decided to postpone until this evening. As it seems that the traffic is keeping me here for a few more hours I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help?"

"Thank you, Son, but it's alright. Dominic and I were just chatting about some upcoming ventures for QT. Nothing too exciting. Would you maybe just be able to go check on some of the other departments, see how everyone is doing? Might boost morale a little with everyone stuck here.

Damien chuckled slightly. "Well, I guess it depends on who you ask as to whether that will boost morale, but sure. See you later, Dominic. Dad."

The glass door shut once again. "How long do you think you can go without him finding out about what you're really up to, Jack?" Dominic asked.

"As long as necessary. He does his share for the company and reaps the rewards. Damien has no need to pry any further, and I do not want him getting involved. Especially with people like Koba." "That's understandable, Sir. However, I do feel that there will be a time you will no longer be able to keep your work hidden from him any longer.

"Then I will cross that bridge when I come to it."

"As you wish." Dominic left the room and headed towards the elevator. He and Jack had been friends for a number of years now, however he couldn't help but sometimes feel like an upper-class skivvy. Still, Jack had been good to him, and it wasn't his place to speak out of turn. Dominic caught one final glimpse of Jack shaking the snow globe on the desk as the steel doors of the elevator shut.

Continued in Part 7 

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