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Interview Room 1 - Scotland Yard, London

Tim Brosnan sat across the table from Mike and Atlin as they conducted the interview. His nose now had two cotton balls in the nostrils to soak up the blood as a result of him 'running into' Peggy's car. Tim had refused a lawyer so Mike and Atlin were feeling pretty confident, the only obstacle being that they hadn't found any evidence to link him with the killswitch. They could probably get him for evading arrest but whether even that would hold due to them having broken in was unlikely.

"So, Mr Brosnan, we've already got you for evading arrest but that's not really what we care about. You see, we hear you're into the arms dealing business, would that be correct?" Mike began.

"No comment." He dryly replied, not moving a muscle.

"Alright, if you want to do it like that, that's fine. We don't mind charging you for evading police and for that you'll probably get a year at most, maybe even get away with just a fine. Now I don't really know about my partner here, but I wouldn't really be too happy with that."

"Yeah, I agree. In fact, I think we'd be so unhappy with that, we might even send a couple officers back to your farm and they can look around a bit longer, then they might find something a bit more incriminating, then we could get you for that, evading police and obstructing justice. What would that be Mike, a fair few years although I guess it would depend on what we found." Atlin added.

The two detectives looked at Tim as he uttered another 'no comment'. His skin was awful. All cracked and picked, like a severe case of acne. That's when it hit Atlin.

"Tell us about the meth, Tim."

This panicked him a little. He began looking around the room rapidly and his fingers began to twitch. Atlin had obviously hit a nerve here although she had a feeling he wouldn't break that easily.

"You won't get nothing from me. You broke into my house. That means any evidence you got means nothing!"

"It's 'you won't get anything from me'. Won't get nothing is a double negative, implies the positive. Gosh, the grammar in this country is terrible." Mike corrected. "Besides which, who broke into your house? You only saw Mr Quinn, correct?"

Tim sat in the chair rather embarrassed now. "Well, yeah but..."

"Exactly. And the officers who apprehended you just so happened to be nearby. Now, answer the lady and tell us about the meth."

Tim continued to fiddle. He felt hot and sticky and began to pick at his fingernails, cleaning any unwanted dirt from under them as the detectives waited for an answer. The room was so quiet that it was almost possible to hear the blood coursing through his veins.

"Okay, Okay. It's nothing proper, just for myself. I don't sell it or nothing. In the barn to the side of the property, it's all in there but I promise, it's only for me."

Mike steepled his fingers as he considered his next response. He had read somewhere that steepled fingers made you look like a thoughtful person. He felt foolish but, at least, steepling looked good on Mike, a lot better than on most other people.

"Tell you what, although when we find the meth lab we will have to charge you for that, we don't really care about it. What we want to know about is this little device. Only a small thing yet it can pack a lot of punch. Something to do with twins dying at the same time? If you can give us some information about someone who might have acquired a device similar to this, well we might be able to lend a friendly word to the judge." Mike had to be careful. Although they were all pretty sure that Tim knew what they were on about, just in case he didn't, any information that was fed to him could jeopardise everything.

Tim nodded robustly as if he had just heard a philosophical whim that would put Socrates or Homer to shame. He tilted his head and gave a toothy smile to the two detectives that sat across from him.

"Well, now that you mention it, I do seem to remember these two brothers coming by one day and asking for a similar thing. Now I'm not saying whether I had it or not, but I'm pretty sure they managed to get hold of one themselves. Maybe you could get in contact with them, see what they know."

Mike despised Tim. He had a horrible arrogance about him and that was something that Mike absolutely detested, especially when it came from someone like Tim. He gritted his teeth and gave back a smile of his own.

"How 'bout you give us that address then?"

Continued in Part 8   

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