A Smile Of Affection - Chapter 18

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“Not much. Just a couple.” He slurred.

That earned another eye roll from me “Yeah right, couple my ass.” I muttered and quickly snatched the can out of his hands. He protested with a hey but I was quick enough to toss it into the fire before he tried to get it back.

“No more.” I ordered.

“What are you? My mother? Because I’m pretty sure the last time I checked, you were my girlfriend.” he snapped

“And pretty soon that check of me “being your girlfriend.”” I quoted “Will be crossed out! If you keep treating me like a whole of horse shit!” I stood and attempted to storm off.

“Rachel!” he yelled out from behind.

I glanced over my shoulder as I continued to stalk off towards the massive rocks up ahead, and saw him in attempt of getting up. He more so looked like an eleven month old baby trying to walk for the first time. I groaned and continued on my way.

“Rachel!” he called out again. “Rachel, wait.” This time closer.

I finally came to a halt, which caused him to stumble into me.

“Please,” he huffed “I’m sorry.”

“Your drunk, Benson! How much more of an idiot can you be.” I yelled shoving him backwards.

“It’s not that much of a deal.” He replied, grabbing hold of my wrist.

I flinched away without thinking. Making Ben furrow his brows.

“You got drunk, on a school day. That is a big deal.” I hissed.

“Rachey.” He pleaded reaching out for me.

I step away and a pained expression painted his features.

“You’ve hurt me Ben. A lot. And I don’t know what’ll happen if you were to do it again.” I whispered. Eyes tearing.

“Im- Im sorry Rachel. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. You should know that. I never intended too.”

I shook my head. “No Ben. You not only hurt my feeling.” I took a deep breath “But you also hurt me physically.”

“Wh-” he took a step forward. “What do you mean?”

“The other week, when you were angry that I stayed back to talk to Mr. Thompson?” Slowly I stripped back my sleeve that revealed the yellowish hand printed mark on my wrist “And you grabbed hold of me. I begged for you to let go and you wouldn’t?” tears slipped down my cheeks and dripped off my chin.

Benson took another step towards me and put his hands on either side of my face. I stared into a pair of brown eyes. Ones that were so familiar now seem distant.

“I am so sorry Rachel. You know I didn’t mean to, right?” his eyes glazed over and I forced myself to look away not answering.

His hands dropped from my face down to my shoulders “Right?” he said again more tensed.

“I-” I looked down “I did at first. I knew you didn’t mean too. At least I thought so?” I looked back up to his reddened face “But then when you came over last week and Mr. Thompson was over, you snapped again Ben, after he left. You didn’t hurt me, but you attempted too. You raised your hand, ready to do it again. I know you controlled it. But what if you lose it again? And this time you hit me? I can’t cope with that Ben.” I shook my head “I won’t.” I whispered.

 I squeezed my eyes shut as another tear escaped down my cheek. I thought about everything that Gracey and Noah had said to me about Ben. I knew they were right, I knew he was right.

A Smile Of Affection [Student/Teacher]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz