¢h@pp¥ 18!!!

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Hehe, this chappy's a filler. Dont blame me! Blame school! It stole my creativity!


So this part is about Sasuke. In the real stry he wants 2 destroy Konoha. But in my stry he doesn't cuz

1. After the battle with Itachi, Sasuke couldn't think straight. He was beat up and tired so he processed the info wrong. In my stry he wasn't beat up and tired so he understood things differently.

2. Sasuke changed after living in Konoha. He has more faith in the village and knows not 2 blame the village on something they didn't do.


U get it? Good!

O! And bout my new stry. Shood I do a bunch of new oneshots? I'm not sure how it's gona b but I already wrote a lil of it:)







Sasuke: but some of them just fan u cuz u fan them


Sasuke: theres only five people and 1 of them is ur awesome editor's other account


Sasuke: in fact, only 2 or 3 people r actually reading this stry


Sasuke: *escapes* I have a GAZILLION fan girls!

Me:..........just hug my fans and get out!

Sasuke::0....... Fine. But I'm only hugging them cuz this is the second 2 last chappy left *hugs u all* o and b4 I sulk around in the emo corner I wana make a shoutout 2 the most awesome person (besides me) HASIVA! She edited this AGAIN! BYEEEE

Yup, this is the second 2 last chappy! And ya, I'm gona edited 4 once. Long stry short, my teacher said I needed 2 improve my spelling and grammar so I'm editin a lil now! PLZ bare with my sucky editing in the future!

Here's the stry


Hiashi stared at the yellow patch in his garden. 'Damn that mutt.........'

Why dog boy? Even that creepy bug boy would be better!

And did his dog really have to pee on his yard? He took pride in his flawless green grass. Now this yellow, destroyed patch mocked him.

He didn't even know which one was worse! Dog boy or his dog?

What did his daughter see in him? She could do much better! And she was too young to date anyway! She was only 15! (I think she's 15...)

He couldn't really make her happy? But it made sense. She was more jubilant lately. And she would come home practically glowing!

But it's not like he forbid her from seeing Dog Boy again. He just didn't let her date him.

She was going to be mad. Although she didn't get mad often, the times she was mad she tended to be rather stubborn.

But why Dog Boy?!? How could she like a dog? And she never told him! Why wouldn't she tell him!?!

'Because she was afraid you wouldn't let her be with him' a voice in his head answered.

A good father would want his daughter to be happy. A good father would let his daughter be with her lover. But if that was what a good father would do then he didn't want to be a good one.

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