Chapter 4:)

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Monica was serving food to one of the older ladies when he came.

"Thank you deary. So kind of you to go out of your way to give an old woman her meal. Although I wish you guys would serve better food." the old lady grumbled the last part.

Monica shook her head. "We can't serve you anything else, Dawn. Your heart problems limit you to a small variety of healthy foods."

The elder woman mumbled some incoherent words before shoveling the green mushy food into her mouth.

Monica chuckled lightly before turning around to see Naruto.

"Naruto? Sakura's been released and Sasuke can't have any visitors. What are you doing here?" Monica asked, surprised.

" I know Sakura's out. And I'm not here to visit Teme. Well, um actually, I'm here to see you." he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a habit he did when he was nervous, being modest, or embarrassed.

Monica was barley able to hold the fangirl squeak that threatened to pass through her lips.

"M-me?" she asked, eyebrows raised. Naruto was like a celebrity. At least, he was to her. And he took time from his schedule and walked all the way here for her?

"Well I was thinking about it and I realized I wanted to get to know you better. Your really pretty and, um, nice. Do you want to go get ramen with me on Friday?" Naruto obviously wasn't very romantic. The little things he knew about romance was taught to him by Sakura when he actually bothered to listen to what she said. So he wasn't very experienced in how to ask a girl out.

Oh wait. There were some things Kakashi and Jiraiya taught him but he wouldn't classify it as "romantic". He knew if he asked one of then how to ask out a girl they'd give a very R rated way. Sakura was too busy to help him too so he had to wing it.

He didn't know why but he felt the need to ask her out as soon as possible. Now, he guesses he just didn't want anyone to ask before him.

A wide grin appeared on Monica's face. "I'd love to!"

A smile that reflects Monica's spread on the blonde males face.

"Great! I can't wait. See you tomorrow." Naruto was out the door before she could respond.

Once outside he placed a hand on his rapidly beating heart. 'I hardly know her and I'm already whipped. Kakashi would be proud.'

In the hospital Monica had left the lunch room and walked into one of the abandoned rooms. Once in, she squealed as loud as possible.

As you could tell, they were both looking very forward for Friday.


Tsunade downed another shot of her beloved sake. "Y-you know, I've taught yoo s-so wellllllllll. Yoor so smarts nowww. I s-still dunno how yoo gots Shizoooooone to leave."

Sakura sighed. At first drunk Tsunade was amusing but now it's like shes babysitting her. She was planning for Tsunade to drink until she passed out so Sakura could see if Ino was doing her part right but unfortunately Tsunade wouldn't just faint!

And she does agree with Tsunade's drunk words. Not to sound self centered but it was a good plan. And she only had a few minutes to think of it!

Shizune's pig, TonTon, was locked on her house, going to be released and "found" tomorrow.

Tsunade was going to be too drunk to stand on two feet so she couldn't interrupt Ino.

And Ino was in the locked hospital room, contacting Sasuke.

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