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"I'm sorry but there's only one bedroom. Is the couch okay?"

Sasuke grunted in response. All he wanted was to go to his apartment and pretend most of that day didn't happen but things never happen the way you want them to.

Sakura spread the blue blanket onto the bed and smoothed it out. "Is there anything you'll need.......?"

Sasuke shook his head. She smiled and went upstairs. "Goodnight Sasuke."

"'Night Sakura."

He looked around the girlish room and scowled. Why were girls so girly? There were flowers here, painting there, pink and red just covered the room.

He had no idea if he'd find somewhere else to live. There are families everywhere that are scared of him. Every apartment he gets will have other families that hate him. Families that feel threatened by him. Graffiti would be on his door no matter where he went.

People would be accusing him of murder, people would be accusing him as a faker. Some people believe that Orochimaru was pretending to be killed by Sasuke and that once Sasuke earned the villages trust, he'd hatch a plan to create the villages downfall.

No one saw it through his perspective. They didn't get what he's been through and the sacrifices he made to achieve his goal. Life in Konoha was good but he couldn't live it until he avenged his clan. If only they knew what it's like to have your brother murder your clan and all the people you love.

Sasuke had a scar. Some scars don't heal but they fade. And that faded scar will always remind him of what happened.

By why bother? He didn't care that much about what people thought about him. So who cares how he is in their eyes?

He laid his head on the pillow and in a matter if time, he was asleep.

Meanwhile, Sakura was upstairs panicking. Why did she invite Sasuke? As if she wasn't already seeming clingy.

She spent her whole life trying to get his attention. She recalled to the time when her and many girls (including Ino) all grew their hair to be long for they thought Sasuke liked it that way. It was so silly. Sakura was mature now and would never do some thinly prevailed thing for a man's attention. At least, she hoped she wouldn't. Sakura's hair remained short to this day ever since the female Sound ninja forced her to cut it. It was like a symbol that she wasn't some idiotic child.

Sakura didn't believe in coincidences though. It couldn't have been a coincidence that Sasuke found out he had no where to stay when he was with her. It could have happened when he was with Naruto, Kakashi, or even Sai but no. It happened when he was with her.

It had to mean something! Maybe it meant she had to spend time with him to see that she was over him. But maybe, just maybe it was because they were meant to be together.

"Yea, keep dreaming Sakura." she said to herself skeptically.

Best not to expect too much. Sasuke would probably get a new apartment tomorrow. He wouldn't want to have another night with her.

Deciding to think about something that would actually help her fall asleep, Sakura soon stopped her wistful thoughts about her and Sasuke. She insted thought about the upgrades the hospital was getting. She could almost taste the shorter shifts.

Gradually, she fell into a peaceful slumber.

Although, 4 1/2 hours later she had woken up to a bloodcurdling scream. Her eyes snapped open and she jolted out of bed. Again, a fear and pain filled yell echoed through the house.

She pulled her night gown tighter around herself as she quietly walked down the stairs. She didn't need a weapon. Her bare hands were enough. Although it was rather odd that Sasuke would be yelling in fear of an attacker.

Live for Me (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!!)Where stories live. Discover now