Chapter 2

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Sakura scowled as she tried blowing a wet strand of hair out of her face. Of coarse the one time she leaves to go get a rare herb for a medicine it starts to rain.

Why couldn't Tsunade send one of the rookies? They spent their time in the hospital serving food for the patients and yelling at kids who ran around the whole place. Sure Sakura wanted to help the poor guy who got this rare disease but she much rather treat him rather than gather ingredients for an antidote.

She didn't even know what it looked like! Tsunade had given her a page ripped out of a plant book with a picture of the herb. Unfortunately, the rain had gotten the picture completely soaked!

The temper mental teen took deep breaths to cool her anger. In, out. In, out. Wait a second.

Sakura breathed in the air, trying to identify the scent. Was that..................smoke? How could there be a fire during such rain?

Someone must be in trouble.

The pink haired medic followed the scent, getting ready for the worst. She knew she was getting closer for the smell had been growing.

The amount of trees and shrubs lessened and she knew she was getting closer to a building. What she found astonished her. A large battlefield. The building that once stood there was now stubble. But that wasn't the astonishing thing.

Flames. Black flames. And it gets even weirder. Even with the rain pounding on it, it still didn't seem to be able to extinguish.

She's heard of this before. She had a vague memory of a conversation she had with Naruto a couple of years ago. He had said something about black, nonperishable flames. If only she paid more attention that day!

Cone on................come on............ What was it.............

Suddenly she remembered. Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sasuke's encounter with Itachi and Kisame. Naruto said the two Akatsuki members both escaped Jiriya's frog jutsu by blasting a hole through it's mouth. With fire. Black fire.

It was a Uchiha's jutsu. Did that mean one of them were here?

Her heart raced at the thought of being able to see him again.

But need not to get her hopes up. There was a chance it was Itachi.

If she went she could be killed. Whoever fought here was merciless.

But curiosity got the best of her and she looked around.

She couldn't tell where whoever fought here could have been. The rain had washed the blood off the floor and it beat down so hard that Sakura struggled to see.

She was about to give up and tell ANBU about her discovery when she found then.

The first thing she did was shriek. It was high pitched and filled with anguish that she thought maybe even Naruto could hear her from Konah.

There, lying on the floor was Itachi and Sasuke. None if them moving. Sakura had no idea which one won.

She placed two trembling fingers on Itachis neck and felt for a pulse. There wasn't one. Then, hesitantly, she put two fingers on Sasuke's neck. She let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. He was alive. He did it. He had avenged his clan and killed his sadist older brother.

He looked okay. Blood surrounded his eye and his clothes were ripped. He may have broken a few ribs. There's a possibility of internal bleeding. But he was exhausted and he may get hypothermia from being out in the cold for so long. His forehead felt awfully hot against her wet fingers.

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