Chapter 3

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Ino sighed. She watched as Shikamaru looked around the shop for the perfect flowers for Temari. His lazy eyes drifted from one plant to the next, most unsatisfying him.

Temari had no idea how lucky she was!

If only Ino had shown interest in him before he asked out the sand nin. But nope, she was all hung up on Sasuke and when he left all she did was read romance novels and daydream about how a guy would send her flowers and tell her how pretty she was and how lucky he was to have her.

She had absolutely no thriving love life outside of her daydreams. Now she had to suffer and watch lovesick guys come in and buy flowers for their special girl. It was torture.

What was wrong with her that no guys liked her? Well, she had been asked out a few times but she didn't like those guys. Sure, her expectations for a guy were a little high but who could blame her?

Shikamaru had chosen red roses and paid for them with a slightly dreamy look in his eyes. It was hard too see because every facial expression he had was mixed with boredom so you could never tell exactly how he felt or what he was thinking. He must have been thinking about Temari though.

A few minutes later she heard the door open and in walked Choji, munching on a bag of chips. Great. Just great. Even Choji had a love life. Way to bring her self esteem down.

"Um Ino? C-could you help me? What kind of flowers do you think a girl would like? You know, any random girl. No girl in particular. For example, you. What flowers would you like?" Choji asked nervously.

Normally, Ino would have said something like "depends on the girl" but she didn't say that this time.

"Purple tulips.". In her daydreams every time her dream guy gave her flowers they were purple tulips.

Her dream guy was amazing. He has abs, a six pack, and he was hot with a capital H.

"Th-thanks." he said, paying for them. If she had been paying attention she would have noticed his hand slightly trembling as he handed her the money.

"No problem. Thank you for getting your flowers here, please come again." she said monotonously.

"INO!" Sakura yelled as she randomly burst through the doors.

Ino gave her a crazy look. "Hi to you too, forehead. I heard you were at the hospital. What happened, did they finally realize how crazy you are?" she would have said something more clever but she was in a sad mood.

"Sasukes back." she said bluntly, going strait to the point. Every moment was precious now, no need to beat around the bush.

"WHAT! Since when? Naruto has been in the village this whole time. Are you saying he came here willingly?"

Sakura should have felt more insulted by her best friend lack in belief in her but that didn't really reach her mind at the moment.

"I brought him. But that's not it. He's in a coma and I need your help." the kunochi informed her.

"MY HELP? What could I possibly do for Sasuke?" Ino asked, confused.

"You could enter his mind and tell him to keep living."

"Keep living? What do you mean? He's in a coma, he's not dying." the blonde female reminded her.

Sakura sighed. Now she had to tell her. She struggling to just THINK about it, now she has to repeat it?

With great unease, she told her frenemy everything Tsunade had said.

Ino debated it for a brief while.

Live for Me (Naruto Fanfic) (SasukeXSakura) (COMPLETE!!)Where stories live. Discover now